Jaguar cichlids


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
In my last thread I posted that I got 4 jags. I thought I might keep a little journal here so that others can learn about them and even provide some info.

The jags are about 3", all in a planted 10g quarantine tank. Select jags will be moved into my 100g tank after the Q-tank period.

After about a day in the tank, they began getting a little territorial. This was obvious, as the tank is far too small, but there are many hiding spots, and 10g Q-tanks are much easier to medicate in. I'm currently medicating for possible internal parasites. I'm using Metrozindale, about 200Mg every other day.

Their behavior is typical of aggressive cichlids. I've already noticed the dominant one of the tank. There is one passive one that stays away from all the others, but doesn't exactly hide either. The other two have been lip-locked all day in a fight for territory and dominance. It's nothing too violent. They all stop to enjoy feeding time.

They eat readily. For their first couple of meals I fed them Tetra-Min Pro for vitamins to improve their coloration. Fish always look better when you get them a diet with good fish food than what's fed in the LFS. They accepted the flakes hesitantly, but seemed to be disappointed. This morning I fed them bloodworms and was blown away at the sheer amount that they could eat (they are carnivorous fish after all), along with the size of their mouths! I was dropping in pretty large chunks and was in awe of their ability to just open wide and swallow. Holy cow these guys could swallow a neon whole! Their mouths expand larger than my adult convicts!

It will be very interesting to observe their interactions over the next week.

Last edited:
Sep 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
One of my favorite fish I ever had was a jag. He got to be about 9 inches not counting the tail and he was a holy terror. But that was to be expected. I could not bear to see him in a 55 so I got rid of him.
I would say have fun trying to keep the plants down. Mine dug all day every day.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Are these jags going in your 100 gal planted?

100g CA Cichlid
3 Jack Dempseys (1 male, 2 females)
1 Green Terror
1 Blue Gourami (holding for a friend)
3 Convict cichlids (all male)
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Clown Loach
1 Zebra Loach (botia striata)
2 Yo-yo Loaches
1 Albino Pleco
1 Pleco
2 SAE's
1 False SAE

if so youre going to have big problems jags are much much much more agressive then anything you have in there currently and will quickly begin killing off the other fish especially in a tank that small. Also they are big diggers so be ready to have all your plants "relocated".


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Managuense: Of course I do :)

Soulfish: The great majority of the current fish will go. I will keep the plecos, and will keep my JD pair, along with 2 convicts. I am selling one female JD, the GT, and a convict. The rest will probably go to my 75g. I'm thinking about using a divider until the Jags are ready to own the entire tank, say 60/40 for now, 40 for the jags.

If I can keep some swords and my Val in the tank, I will be happy. Hehe...I can save $ by scraping out some of the Flourite for my 75g :D

Keep in mind that I am only going to keep 2 jags (a breeding pair).