Java Fern, Deformation ?


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Java Fern Deformation ?

I have a java fern that has leaves that split into two different ones from the same leaf, is this normal or is this java fern deformed or what?

Also it has somewhat transparant leave tips with red coloration ... whats the problem here or is this normal?

Here is a picture that may help understand my java fern problem .....

You can see the new leave splitting into two along with the discoloration. I also have other leaves that split into 2 or 3 leaves from the same one but this is the only leave with the discoloration.

Anybody have answers?

- depthC

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Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Im still clueless on what this is ...

Ive checkout out the bid which is right here and it might be but it doesnt show a close up but it does sound like his description. Maybe it is a rare red java fern. If so im lucky. But what is it when the leave tips turn translucent? Is that because of too much light? Ive had java fern's tips go somewhat translucent before in other tanks so does that mean there is to much light or what?

Also what is it when the leave splits halfway up into 2 or 3 leaves? It could be a genetic mutation as leopardess said. Or is this somewhat normal? The images 2 and 3 on the bid look like they do the same leave split thing also.

- depthC