B blujhae Small Fish Apr 5, 2004 #1 Feb 29, 2004 13 0 0 35 FrisKo Visit site Apr 5, 2004 #1 B blujhae Apr 5, 2004 My cousin on another fish adventure bought a parrot cichlid called a Jelly Bean Parrot Cichlid. These little things look alot like convicts. But yea would anyone by any chance have websites, links, or information about these little creatures?
My cousin on another fish adventure bought a parrot cichlid called a Jelly Bean Parrot Cichlid. These little things look alot like convicts. But yea would anyone by any chance have websites, links, or information about these little creatures?
Lotus Ultimate Fish Moderator Apr 5, 2004 #2 Aug 26, 2003 15,115 13 38 Southern California home.earthlink.net Apr 5, 2004 #2 Lotus Apr 5, 2004 They are a hybrid fish, which are very controversial. There is a forum here about parrot cichlids: http://www.bloodparrot.aquariahobbyist.com/ and information on dyed fish here: http://www.bloodparrot.aquariahobbyist.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4460 although your cousin's may not be dyed.
They are a hybrid fish, which are very controversial. There is a forum here about parrot cichlids: http://www.bloodparrot.aquariahobbyist.com/ and information on dyed fish here: http://www.bloodparrot.aquariahobbyist.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4460 although your cousin's may not be dyed.
C Cichlid-Man MFT Staff Apr 6, 2004 #3 Jul 9, 2003 8,866 14 38 38 Columbia, SC www.youtube.com Apr 6, 2004 #3 C Cichlid-Man Apr 6, 2004 There is acctually a Parrot Cichlid X Convict cross now. So it very well could be truly part convict. Outdated but still - http://www.geocities.com/parrotcichlid/main.html http://parrotcichlid.com/ I by no means am a fan of these fish, because they are dyed and hybrid but some people are.
There is acctually a Parrot Cichlid X Convict cross now. So it very well could be truly part convict. Outdated but still - http://www.geocities.com/parrotcichlid/main.html http://parrotcichlid.com/ I by no means am a fan of these fish, because they are dyed and hybrid but some people are.