Jewel Cichlid Eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today i was getting ready for soccer practice, i was feeding the fish after i was done getting ready and on the right side of the cave was one of my female jewel cichlids laying eggs and my male following her fertalizing them!!!!!!!!!!!!!*SUPERSMIL *SUPERSMIL And i got them on camera so when i go back to my dads house, i will download the video of them and post it. Oh and for those who are wondering how to sex them, males become more aggresive and are a darker colouring than females and the males have more "black dots" on there sides than the females. The eggs will hatch in 2 days*thumbsup2 *thumbsups *SUPERSMIL

I didn't know if i had a male or female in there until i saw one of them lay the eggs. The only thing that i am worried about is what to do with them when they hatch??? I don't have another tank to put the babies in or move the other to females and the male into. So i either need to see if i can move the other females and the male in to the 55G for a little bit. If i can't, then i will just have to let them eat the babys or eggs:mad:


Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
I am not sure if you saw my other post about when I had Jewels you can put a divider in the tank. and the mom will usually take care of it. The hard part is finding something that will fit. or you can put them in a fry net that hangs on the side of the tank. once the hatch though I would try to seperate the fry from the rest of the fish. good luck

Jan 13, 2006
get the mother and babies out of the tank asap, the female will try to or will kill everything else, expect about 200-600 fry to hatch and about 50- 150 to live out of that and if you see the mother putting the babies in her mouth dont worry, that is how they parent, they will scoop them up and spit them back out into the group of babies, also she will dig a hole in the gravel for the babies to sleep in, and they will stay there for at least 1 month (these fry are incredible small) you wont see any real fins of features till about a 1.5 months, i would cover the filter intake with sponge or pantyhose because the babies do get curious and will get sucked up. keep the mother with the babies untill about 2 months and then seperate her, i fed mine hakari first bites, but be careful a little bit goes a long way with that stuff. i also gave them crushed up brine shrimp (the frozen kind) when the got old enough to eat it. (i kept mine in a 10 gallon tank) so anything 10 gallons and up you can keep them in. you cant sell or give them away till about 3-4 months so expect to wait a while before you get rid of them. (hope this helps you a bit) i hated my jewels lol