well that depends
is it still a 10 gallon you plan on keeping them in? If so, the tret will kill the anything else you put in there. Like I said, if you want to keep a tret, get yourself a bigger tank. When you consider more closely the needs of your fish, and provide a home that is suitable, you'll be much more satisfied with the results. You'll be able to observe more natural behavior, and more importantly, your fish will be healthy. My step-dad keeps an 8 or 9 inch oscar in a 20 gallon high. The thing never moves, unless it's floating all cock-eyed, and he is completely stumped why he can't cure the fish of this fungus he's had for years...
Just trust me on this one dude, trets do not belong in a 10 gallon. Try the julidochromis pair with a synodontis petricola pair like the cookie cutter article says, you'll be much happier, and so will your fish
btw the official scientific name is Neolamprologus tretocephalus