Julii corydoras

May 9, 2005
Hi, I got 3 new corydoras today. Upon the trip home i found that one of them was alot smaller than the other two, with more dark spots. But, this one seems extremely thin along the whole body, with head being normal size. Is this some disease or maybe just because its smaller and fry are born with larger heads than bodies?
Another, the barbels are worn down to small nubs, willl they grow back? I have smooth small gravel that my 2 corydoras in there currently do fine in and have nice barbels.

Mar 30, 2006
Westland, Michigan
I have found when purchasing any cory's to look very carefully as the LFS is picking out the fish. Make sure to pick the fish that you want. Most times they are shipped from a seller and the unhealthly as well as healthly get in the mix. I did this with a few cory's...had three out of four survive before I knew what to look for. Right now I have a panda cory acculimating with the other three pandas I had purchased (three weeks ago) from my LFS. This one looks great as well.(That's why I went back) Just make sure the ones you pick are swimming, and what I say "nosey" always moving. Cory's are hearty fish.

May 9, 2005
THis isnt the first time I've made this mistake:mad:
I wish I had checked before hand, but the tank was stocked full and I coudn't tell which ones I wanted, in a large group they all looked fine. Then the person has to go behind the tank from the back so communication was hard. Thinking back, I shoulda checkde after she netted them all....
I am definetly returning the little one, seems def. sick. I just hope it doesnt infect my other fish overnight....It is inactive, has sunkun eyes and just lies in one spot, now its hidden inside the moss...

Mar 30, 2006
Westland, Michigan
I had the same thing with a green cory and the "R" cory(sorry don't remember the full name). Sunkin eyes, nonresponsive. Sorry but a good sign of dying.:( I almost love bottom feeders (my synos the most) more than my "others".(Hope the other swimmers don't go on this forum when I'm Zzzzz>*laughingc ) I hope your lsf does take the litttle one back, but you have to remember most times they really have no control over the matter either. I've been faithful to my lsf for 10 plus years now, superb owner, but between shipping,breeding, etc, life and care of the little guys before they get them is beyond their control. I've never had an outbreak of sickness from cory's but to be on the "safe side" take the little one back or QT him.

May 9, 2005
Yup, thanks for the advice I will be taking both back shorrtly. My main concern now is could the sick one have spread anything into my tank with the past say 8-10 hours?

May 9, 2005
Got 2 new ones! the first one she netted was bad and I had to get yet another exchange, nevertheless I got two seemingly healthy ones! They apparently never gravel vacuum :mad: so half of their stock were missing barbels. Its so hard to pick juliis when their all scrambling to and fro and you can't see their barbels at all....
They are in hiding now under the moss, hopefully they'll perk up, it was a long ride home. My emeralds seemed really excited yesterday when I introduced the three juliis, hopefully theyll get along well.

Mar 30, 2006
Westland, Michigan
I'm glad all has went well so far. I would just keep an eye on the bunch. Unless something had showed on the previous cory's I really wouldn't worry too much. The sick ones I took home never had any sickness to bother the other fish in my tanks. The 29G and 10g listed. I even have some fancy tailed cory's. If you'd like to see some pics just let me know.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Always make sure you check the fish when they get them out of the tank, either in the collecting container or in the bag. Don't let them hurry the fish off to the cashier, ask them if you can check that they're all OK before you go to pay.

Check: eyes, stomach, fins, skin/scales, etc. carefully for any signs of illness or disease.

May 9, 2005
Yea, definetly learned a lesson. These seem ok though, they're so skittish its hard to get a good look at em. Is 4 dollars a piece alot to pay for juliis?
I would love some pics of fancy tails? Never even heard of them.

Mar 30, 2006
Westland, Michigan
Actually the substrate isn't all that big, about baby pea size. The corys seem happy with it. That was suppose to be my QT, but my husband fell in love with the corys and gourmis so...there it is, lol. I think he wants to change it now, but it will need to be a fall project when I get the 75g (or bigger)...he, he, he*celebrate