jus a question

Aug 2, 2003
i have my healthy male betta in a 10 gallon tank... i would like to get some females (if i ever come across any) and put them in there as well... my question is how many could i add to the tank? or... should i jus have the one male betta and add more plants and things.. if so... could i get live plants or should i stick with plastic?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Are you dividing the tank?? Cuz you CANNOT keep males and females together!!! You can buy a tank divider at your local fish store... As for if you divide the tank... I would say about 4 females... the rule of thumb is about one inch of fish body (not tail) per gallon. BUT if you have a good filter and do a lot of water changes, it can bend.

What I would do is add some corydoras catfish (need at least three) and maybe two ottos and NOT divide the tank. They are peaceful fish that get along well with male bettas. Good luck with whatever you decide to do! :)

Mar 11, 2003
I agree. While some people believe this is possible, its extremely risky and I am completely against it. If you want to get him some friends, try some corydoras and african dwarf frogs.



Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Yea, you can't keep the female and male together except for the few hours (days) that you're breeding them!
Sometimes I do feel that Casper (see my avatar) is quite lonely by himself (although there are other different species of fish to accompany him). ;)

Aug 2, 2003
thanx for your suggestions everyone... i'm goin to go to the fish store sunday or monday and i will see what they have... i will let you guys know what i go with =) and maybe someday i will be able to take some pictures

Aug 2, 2003
heres what i decided to do..... i moved my betta "big red" into his own smaller tank, and then put my gouramis into the ten gallon, they were already in a ten gallon but i moved them to the one on the stand with the better set up, it didnt seem to stress them out much, so now i have an open ten gallon tank which is great because i woke up to the suprise of convict eggs!!!!!! =)