just a few questions


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2006
Newport News, VA
Hi all! I hope every one had a great holiday. I have to admit that the whole family chuckled when I listed my fish in my "things Im thankful for" on turkey day*SUPERSMIL

I just have a few questions, Im thinking about playing with my tank a little and would love some guidance.

1. Are there any low maitnence plants that would do well in a sand substrate?

2. How thick should my sand substrate be? Im worried about the gases getting trapped under the sand.

3. Where is the best place to buy drift wood? My LFS wont sell the peices they already have in their display tank.

Also a report, all of my fishies made it through the holiday. I had to leave them for 4 days and worried constantly. Im thinking about setting up a webcam the next time I have to leave! hehe.

correct me if im wrong, but
1) The low main. plants that would do well are the leave nutrient plants, such as wisteria or vals, since the roots are mainly for anchoring, not swords or stuff like that, since they are heavy root feeders
2)substrate can be as low as half inch all the way to 2 or 3, and still appealing, im not too sure. sand isnt the best substrate for plants, since their is minimal flow through the roots,
3) i bought my malaysian driftwood at petco, because i couldnt find any place else, and malaysain sinks on it own too.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
The sand substrate isnt the best bit if you can rake or stir it about once a month you should be ok. You dont have to get it all but move what a plant isnt in. 1 to 2 inches should be good. As far as plants. Wisteria, water sprite, Java fern (should be attached to drift wood) would be a goot start.