Hey all, thought id give a little update on all my fishy's Okay so all are doing fine and all are starting to get very comfortable. My Female pearl danio could possibly be pregnant, cant tell if she's just a pig or if she is starting to fill up with egg's. My cherry Barb's are still just as rambunchious and when i got them lol but at least the males arent chasing the big female as much since i added the 2 more females. Zippy and Rojo are doing GREAT *BOUNCINGS they havent fought since that one night i brought them home, they sometimes sleep in the same cave but now, Rojo has got in the habbit of sleep under and in plants instead so i can see him 24/7 except when i sleep. Lilly is starting to get some of her personality i noticed, she charged at one of the Barb's last night until he darted off. so everyone seems to be doing alot better. Now i have a few stocking question's, do i still have room to maybe add in an Opaline Gourami or Maybe 2 Dwarf's plus my snail's?