just about to start a saltwater


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
It's more work then freshwater for sure. The biggest thing is you have to have patience and take things slow at first. And you can't slack on tank maintenance. I think the people that have the most problems are ones that don't do regular water changes, make sure skimmer is running well, tank topped off, etc. Once you add corals then you'll start dosing calcium and other supplements. All those test kits, additives, salt, etc. add up to a lot more money to keep the tank running then a freshwater needs.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Saltwater can be much more expensive than freshwater. Therefore if something goes wrong it could be an expensive mistake. That is one reason we always recommend that you thoroughly research what you want to buy and what your set up will be BEFORE you committ and buy anything, that way if you have a piece of equipment or something that won't work long term we can tell you.....and steer you in the right direction.

Now then, read all the stickies and once you have, I suggest you go back and read them again......that way you will have an idea of what you will need. Then make a list of all the things that you will need. Post the list here and we will fill in any gaps or correct any conflicts. This way when you go to the lfs to buy anything you will be equipped with what could possibly be a better base of knowledge than most lfs have. Your knowledge will be current within the hobby and won't be formed with the goal of selling you a bunch of useless equipment and making a quick buck. Not that all lfs are like that but there are those out there who are and if you go prepared you will be much the wiser.....