just added a heater to my tank...


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2005
Southeastern Michigan
I've had a 10 gallon tank running for about two years now, with mainly the same fish. I have in there seven zebra/various long-finned danios, three giant danios, five differant types of gouramis, a female betta, and two tetras. Sorry I don't know their exact names, but they have tan bodies and red and black fins. The tetras adn betta were added in the last few weeks. I want to know if making the water warmer is gonna change the behavior of the fish.

One of the gouramis, called honey sunset something, tends to stick around with the tetras, before the tetras would nip at each others fins, now i've noticed they have gone chasing an opline gourami, the honey sunset one is also doing the same, except to a gold gourami. I've only noticed this today, the heater was added yesterday. I have many hours logged at watching my fish, I think I would have noticed this change in behavior. Is the heater responsible for this change? Should I remove it? I got it because i thought it was good for my tank.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, adn hopefully answer if you have an opinion.

Also: I know my tank is considered over crowded, but I have two filters hooked up, to reduce the chance of my fish getting ill. I can't really afford a larger tank, though i'd love to see my beautiful fish in one....

Again, thanks for your help.


Medium Fish
Apr 1, 2006
Southern NH
VirgoWolf said:
You should check out Freecycle.org, craigslist.org, and this place... http://www.bargaintraderonline.com/browse.ads/1/Pets/Fish,_Aquariums
I can't agree more about checking the pet section on craigslist. That's where I picked up my 30 gallon tank, heater, light, hood, gravel...the works! All for $40. Yardsales are a goldmine too...people get fed up with their tanks and get rid of them if they aren't savvy enough to keep it up and running.



Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
The change in behavior is probably due to the increased crowding.... just as you would get irritable when some relatives or acquaintances moved into your house without your permission, leaving their junk in your bathroom and eating all your favorite foods, crowding you out of your bedroom onto the couch. It would be much easier on you if you had a couple of guest bedrooms for them and their own private bath, phone, and entrance. You probably wouldn't be too badly put out at all. Once you get another tank, and separate them out, I think you won't have to worry about the aggression like you are now.

You might try posting at freecycle.org too.
(OOPS! For some peculiar reason, the craigslist suggestion registered with me just fine, but I completely overlooked the previous freecycle recommendations! Sorry about repeating what others have already said.)

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Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2005
Southeastern Michigan
Thank you all for your help. I will take your advice homebunnyJ. Although I can't afford a larger tank, I can afford to spend 10 dollars and get another 10 gallon, I plan on putting the two tetra, two blue paradise gourami, and all three zebra danios in one. That'll leave the smaller three gouramis, three giant danios, and four long finned danios in the original tank. Still alittle over crowded, but it should be an improvement to how it is now. I have a female betta, that i have moved to another 5 gallon tank cause she looked a little ill. What does it mean if her stomache area is bloated? I'm hoping maybe just giving her a rest from all the other fish will help.... If she gets better, she goes into the tank with the first group of fish. Thanks again.