Just alittle update.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Ive been away for awhile. I recently picked up some fish for my 29 and 10. in the 29 i now have 2 bangaii cardinals and 1 cherub angelfish, i think i might add a clownfish or some other smaller fish to the 29 and then i would be done with it. In the 10 i have a YWG. That might be all i get for it, unless i can find a pistol shrimp or maybe just a cleaner shrimp.
My friend recently offered me 30lbs of lr for 50-60 dollars so i might be upgrading here pretty soon! Ill get some pics up shortly


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well thats what i thought but i would still like to here his opinion too, thats why im here. I plan on upgrading making a larger SW tank as soon as i get my friends LR so if i had to i could just move them to the bigger tank. Although i love how my tank is setup now, thanks tre. If i decided to add something instead of a clown, like a small basslet or maybe a firefish or something would i have the room? I have had my 29 going for almost a year right now.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
camaro is very knowlegable but im known to go a little heavier on the stocking :p though i feel my current tank is under stocked considering the beast of a skimmer ive got running.... i plan on adding a blue jaw trigger, mystery wrasse, and a few anthias, and maybe another midas blenny (since my old one disappeard)


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
That is one thing i have thought about and that is that the clown might be a little to wild for the my tank. My fish right now are pretty much layed back. lol. especially my cardinals. i wouldnt want to disrupt them and stress them out thats why i was thinking about a firefish or something small that pretty much keeps to there own.
Yes i agree that he does know very much about what hes talking about. Thats why i wanted to know why he thought what he did, and i agree with him. lol. At the time i thought a clown would go nice with the color combo of the fish i have now. lol. And i feel that a firefish might be alittle to big. what do u think?

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
The reality is that you and TRe are probably correct if everything works out as planned. Angels tend to be pretty feisty and a pair of Kauderni's can be equally so. I guess I just prefer to err on the side of caution and leave lots of territory for all to swim. Maybe that's why my tank is still virtually empty...


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
hmmm mine are pretty inactive during the day but lights out and they turn into hunters....

I vote for adding a small fairy/flasher wrasse.....not very aggressive but out all the time....

My cherub/pygmy angel is pretty docile also, not territorial by any means....

Then again, each is different depending also on the amount of rock to provide hiding places and swimming room.