Just an update


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I just wanted to update on my tank's, first the 10 gallon, well Puff (my puffer) seem's to be either happy and content with his tank or he's sick, he doesnt run when he see's me he just sorta hovers in one spot for a bit goes in a circle and then moves to another part of the tank. My Danio's are all prego sept the 1 male so i got 2 mommy's :) The cory cat's and common pleco have officially become top feeders and eat the bloodworm's, they now refuse sinking pellet's and my Acei just dart's in 1 inch incriments around the tank lol

Now for my new 55 gallon big cichlid tank, Jack (jack dempsey) is regaining his color, After adding Tex (texas cichlid) he became stressed because he wasnt Mr bad no more but there better and they get along fine now with no agression which is good, Tex still is skidish but Jack will come and rub on my finger in the water :)

May 11, 2010
Everything sounds fine, but I think you should move that common pleco to your 55 gallon. Eventually it will outgrow your tanks and you will have to give it away or sell it. A smaller pleco like a rubberlip pleco would be a better choice.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I don't know how normal your puffer's behavior is because I have never kept any type of puffer besides dwarf puffers. All my puffers, past and current, have been pretty active when healthy. What are the water parameters? Puffers can be sensitive to changes in water chemistry.

I'm not saying there is anything to be concerned about but if your curious I would suggest stopping over at the ThePufferForum and seeing what they say about his behavior.

Here is a helpful article on them as well: GSP