Just bought a Discus need info


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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Well I just bought 2 Discus the guy didn't really know what kind they were he said one may be a Blue Diamond and the other a tourquise. Well I was just looking for all the info I can on keeping these fish in top shape.


Oct 22, 2002
HEHE....were to start...Hmmm..First-i.d.ing them. If it a blue diamond, it should be blue with red eyes, and some...but barely any white. The turquiose look kinda like the heckels. As far as keeping them. The fun really starts here. They prefer a pH of 6-6.5, the temp around 85 + degress, and i believe they like softer water. Uh...they will eat flakes, you just shouldnt feed them that allthe time, or they will get bored of eating and stop. So..me advise would be to mix up the diet every day. Mine get flakes, bloodworms and brine shrimp on a different schulde. Sometimes the get both in a day. ( spoiled things ) Anyway..i hope this little info helps. Maybe some one can help me out here.....


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Soft water can not be stresed enough. And as close to perfect water conditions as you can make them. The adults get between 4-8" and dnned minimum like 10 gallons per fish. Get a few more, there schooling fish, but, only if your up to the challenge. They are quite difficult to keep, but awesome when done correctly. Frozen beefheart is a staple food in there diet. They are carnivours and need meat but, be sure to keep it balanced out. Live plants are best, but you can get away with plastic plants. GL and keep us posted!


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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Ok well my tank is a 100 gallon tank so there is lots of room but I do have other fish. I normally keep the tank at 83 degrees but I have raised it to 84 85 degrees hopefully this will be ok because I don't know how high I can go with my other fish. I put the two in there yesterday just after lunch time and they are hiding in a corner behind a plant. The little one comes out and explores a bit but the larger one stays in the corner a bit more. Now does it take them a bit to get used the the new tank? Here is some pics maybe someone can help me ID them. I know the pics are not great but that is the best I could do.


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Wow i could never think of buying discus right now LOL discus are very shy, nervoud creatures and like to be in a school the more of them the better!! You need a lot of plants tons the tnak should be heavy planted with most plants that fish cna swim through!! They need a ph between 6.0 and 6.5. Make sure there is 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites!! Only put them with other shy or nervous fish or in a species tank!! Neons, cardinals, hatchets, cories, ottos!! There are probobly more fish, but that's all i can think of right now!! BUY more of them they need to be in bigger groups!!

LIve food Please feed you'r discus LIVE food

I'm not sure, but you might be able to put angelfish in the tank!!

I know this isn't the idea, but fish from the amazon like there water a little darker!! Becuas eit's natural in the wild, but blakc extract cna make the water darker for them so they won't be as nervous that is only optional though!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
No, I have to disagree with you there Abercrombie, discus are not usually shy fish. Most of the time they are the most active fish in the tank, as long as they have some cardinal buddies and some more discus buddies. Anyway, you really need to get like 3 more because eventually they will start to fight with eachother. You need to get a shoal so there is a pecking order and no one fish is picked on.

In my discus tanks i have the ph at 8.3 and they seem to do fine but they are still kinda small (3.5 in). In breeding conditions is really the only time when you need to lower the Ph. I do about 50% changes daily, except there is one tank i need to do 95% all together daily because it is overstocked. They like plant cover, roots, and driftwood. I personally wouldn't keep them with angels because angels are stronger swimmers, and would probably take all the food for themselves. There is also a myth that angels carry some sort of disease that is fatal to discus. I dont know about that one...

I feed mine bloodworms, beefheart, brine shrimp, discus formula, discus pellets (hikari & Tetra) and flakes.

Good luck,

Oct 22, 2002
Here's the thing--they really arent as hard to keep as most people make it out to be. Sure they do require alittle more attention to be paid to them but thats ok. As far as beef heart goes...be carefull with it as it will cloud your water very quickly. The reason they are riding is simple..and it can be one of two things. 1.--there isnt enough habitat, or places where they can hide, create territories in/around. Plant the heck out of he tank and give them peices of driftwood to hide around. 2.--the other fish might eb scaring them. I saw you have a bala in there, they are also very nervous fish that will spook easy ( personall experience ). Try getting some calmer fish that arent very shy...tetras, cardinals, cories, and angel fish will also work. Just keep em smaller.

Oct 22, 2002
it appears that the striped one is a Turquoise. It might, might be a red snakeskin, thats what one of mine is. You can see him Here and Here. He is always moving so getting a good pic of him is hard. And the other one looks kinda like a blue diamond..if you could try and get better, clearer pics, that would help a bunch. :)

Oct 22, 2002
Welcome to the discus world! The discus you have are Red Turquoise and a blue diamond. Of couse with so many new varities coming out today, they could be anything!

Imo, discus are the most beautiful fish you can get with colors ranging the rainbow!

One thing to remember is that like fishboy mentioned, discus are overrated with their requirements. Discus are tank raised in moderatly hard water with ph's around the 7.5. The tanks are bare bottom meaning no plants, gravel or anything. Temperature is from 80-88 and when sick up to 94! Once the discus have become comfortable in your tank, they will always come to the front of the tank begging for food. They will accept any kind of food ranging from flake, dry, live, frozen!

One thing discus absolutely need are consistant water parameters. Steady ph, constant temp, 0 ammonia/nitrite and low nitrates. Thats it (and food of course)!

Check out my discus pics by clicking on the little house!


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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Well it has been 4 days now since I got my Discus and they are doing great they are at the front of the tank mostly now or they will come to the front and they will go right to the top when I put food in except they seem to be picky the only thing I really saw them go after was frozen brine shrimp.

I was at my local LFS today to pick up my new fish, it was a Blue Phantom Pleco but the guy said that I shouldn't keep the discus with other fish, the temp should be about 78 degrees, the ph needs to be at 6.5 and I need to use R/O water. Now I am hearing all types of stuff from every person. The guy I bought the discus from said the temp needs to be at 86 degrees or they won't eat. Well I am keeping my temp at 82 degrees with a ph of 7 and they are doing fine eating and they look ok. It's just so hard because everyone gives differnt info so I just have to absorb it all and go from there. I will keep you posted on the fishes health.


Oct 22, 2002
I hear you about so many different views! One of the first things you will begin to realize is that local pet stores are one of the last people to be listening to. This is not the case all the time but I would say most of the time. Message Boards such as this one provide excellant info. About discus, most breeders actually raise there fry in ph's of 7.5+ and thats a fact (I can refer you to some of the most famous breeders in the US).

As you mentioned Matt, using RO water is only required when breeding. As for keeping other fish with discus, I have keep cardinals, rams, barbs, otos, rasboras, gouramis, rainbows, etc with discus and have for some time.

If you really want to learn about discus, simplydiscus.com is the messageboard to check out. Breeders and amatuers share info! Simplydiscus is the best message board about discus on the internet.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
OOh woww nice discus, I am too interested in discus, I'm thinking about getting three or one discus, but the thing is they said it has to be quarantined at least 21 days? w/ flubendazole...hmmmm did you quarantined the fish? and for how long are the fishes have been at your LFS?


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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No I didn't quarentine my discus. I have 3 discus now and I added them just like I would have added any other fish. Now they are doing just fine the smaller one I have actually nipped my finger yesterday trying to get the food out of my hand lol. The LFS actually had the discus for about a month before I bought them. Good luck if you get some they are awesome fish but lots of work.


Jan 15, 2003
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to mentain good discus water.you must put in a automating water change system.so then the water can be changed daily so you need a RO system mix wit tap water.becuz RO water is soft just the kind discus like.RO system cost around 100 .i have one at my house for drink hehe.i know all of this becuz i myself is trying to set up a discus hatchery but have no luck in finding out more information about automating water changes system and RO system but if anyone come across this and know somethings about it.plz

email me at Mostwantedmonkey2002@yahoo.com
thanx you for ur time and good luck wit your discus.