so I'm thinking about adding my female b. imbellis tonight, in say an hour or so and then adding the boy tomorrow. It reads
nitrAtes 10
nitrItes approx. 3
Ammonia 0
It currently has a few snails (darn hitchikers :\ ) and they seems to be doing... fantastically, soo should I try adding something less-awesome first and see how they do (like a guppy or a new petstore fish that has a warranty) and THEN add them? Will add new pics to the 16g paludarium thread soon...,
nitrAtes 10
nitrItes approx. 3
Ammonia 0
It currently has a few snails (darn hitchikers :\ ) and they seems to be doing... fantastically, soo should I try adding something less-awesome first and see how they do (like a guppy or a new petstore fish that has a warranty) and THEN add them? Will add new pics to the 16g paludarium thread soon...,