Just got a 28 gallon bow front

Mar 30, 2008
Started everything up, temp is 76, water's clear. I was told to wait 5-6 days roughly before adding fish. I was excited, so I bought a few cheap guppies to just swim around and get me buy until I get some nice fish.

What does everyone recommend I get? how many can I get?

I really like bala sharks and tiger barbs...would the 2 get along in the same tank? what else should I get?



Jan 19, 2008
well, for starters, that "wait five days" thing is bunk. if you do it RIGHT, you will be waiting about a month before you can safely put fish in that tank. you gotta cycle it first. Without going into detail, cycling is making sure you have a good population of the "good" bacteria that eat the waste products (namely ammonia) that your fish will inevitably produce.
It takes time and patience, but its worth it.

Jan 19, 2008
well, i honestly reccomend the fishless cycle. someone has a link to how to do it (not sure where the link is) but its the fastest and safest way. It can take 2 months or more with fish in there.

Another thing you might consider doing is using live plants. Many people find they look nicer, and they help keep ammonia down to manageable levels. (you still have to cycle though)

Mar 30, 2008
Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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since you added fish before cycling, you are going to be in close to a 2 month process of constantly checking your water levels and doing water changes. do you have a test kit? you could go out and buy biospira and add it to your tank for an instant cycle, but make sure the biospira is refrigerated, otherwise it is no good.

Mar 30, 2008
since you added fish before cycling, you are going to be in close to a 2 month process of constantly checking your water levels and doing water changes. do you have a test kit? you could go out and buy biospira and add it to your tank for an instant cycle, but make sure the biospira is refrigerated, otherwise it is no good.
Alright. Well I didn't know a thing about fish/tanks, etc before doing this. I'm going to buy a test kit in a few days to test the levels, etc. Any kit you recommend? I was planning on buying some biospira anyhow.


Large Fish
Dec 17, 2007
immediately? can you explain the process of the bio-spira to me please? because I'd like to add a school of tiger barbs tonight lol.
No problem,
In a nutshell, when a fish poops and pees, all of that waste breaks down to a very poisonus chemical to fish called ammonia. Now, there is benificial bacteria that converts this ammonia to still harmful nitrite. After that, more bacteria converts this nitrite into harmless nitrate. The reason you cycle a tank is to establish all of the necessary species of bacteria to complete this cycle.
The bio-spira contains a good population of all this bacteria, thus making it safe to add fish.


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
NY, on an island...
No problem,
In a nutshell, when a fish poops and pees, all of that waste breaks down to a very poisonus chemical to fish called ammonia. Now, there is benificial bacteria that converts this ammonia to still harmful nitrite. After that, more bacteria converts this nitrite into harmless nitrate. The reason you cycle a tank is to establish all of the necessary species of bacteria to complete this cycle.
The bio-spira contains a good population of all this bacteria, thus making it safe to add fish.
even with biospira, keep a good eye on your water. I used biospira twice and both times the tank "mini cycled".

Mar 30, 2008
don't buy a bala shark. they are best kept in groups and they get waaay too big.
what do you recommend I get then? I was wanting to add some tiger barbs tonight after I add some biospira and check the levels.

No problem,
In a nutshell, when a fish poops and pees, all of that waste breaks down to a very poisonus chemical to fish called ammonia. Now, there is benificial bacteria that converts this ammonia to still harmful nitrite. After that, more bacteria converts this nitrite into harmless nitrate. The reason you cycle a tank is to establish all of the necessary species of bacteria to complete this cycle.
The bio-spira contains a good population of all this bacteria, thus making it safe to add fish.
thanks for the info

even with biospira, keep a good eye on your water. I used biospira twice and both times the tank "mini cycled".
I'll do that. I'm getting a test kit tonight. :D

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
Visit site
good to hear you got the test kit...but what were the other results? pH is probably the least important at this stage in the game (heck, i never check mine anymore). how about ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite? these are the three things that make or break a fish tank. did you add bio-spira? not to overwhelm you with too many questions, but what are all the fish you got in there now?