Just jumping right in ...


Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
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I've been posting in the Freshwater Beginner forum and received a lot of great tips and suggestions. I thought I'd now introduce myself a little.

I'm originally from San Diego. I think it's hard to grow up there and not develop a love for aquatic creatures, not only those in the ocean but in rivers and lakes. As a kid, my family had a 20-gallon aquarium, and I never got tired of watching the fish interact with their environment and each other.

As an adult, however, I've only had cats as pets. I've always worried that if I got an aquarium, my cats would torment the fish in one way or another -- thumping on the glass, etc. The fish would be endlessly fascinating to them, but I wasn't so sure how happy the fish would be with cats staring at them. But one of my friends who is pretty experienced with aquariums finally persuaded me to give an aquarium a try, since I love fish so much. I don't have it up and running yet. I'm still working on designing the interior environment. I'm starting out with a small set-up for a single betta.

I'm glad I found this message board. It seems like a very friendly place full of knowledgeable people.

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Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
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Thanks for all the welcomes! I think this place is great. I've learned more here in the last week than in the two months I've been reading books. My friend's aquarium is saltwater, and he knows very little about freshwater. But at least he's good for encouragement. :) Already I've been thinking about rearranging my whole house to be aquarium friendly. But I don't want to get carried away. I'll get the 6-gallon set up, and hopefully it'll be a success. And then I'll move on from there. This is exciting! For years I thought I'd have to settle for virtual fish on my computer or fish posters or trips to the New Jersey State Aquarium. I think I've been overly concerned about aquarium compatibility with cats. As long as my cats can't actually get to the fish or knock over the tank or scare them, I think things should be OK.

Anybody else here have cats??


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the tank :D

I think quite a few of us here have cats. We haven't had any problems with the cats, although one of the cats always likes to play with fishy toys like measuring spoons or heater brackets that we accidentally leave around.

One of the cats occasionally watches the fish and paws the glass a little, but other than that, they show no interest. A water spray on a cat who is doing something it shouldn't is a good way to train them if you think they're getting too close. :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
my cat seems to get hypnotized when it starts watching my betta, it will just sit there with its head right up to the glass and stare him :D the betta is not bothered by the cat being there, and occasionally flares at her.


Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
Visit site
Well, I'm glad to hear the fish don't seem to mind cats. I'm also glad to know there are other cat lovers here. :) I figured Leopardess is, given your name and great avatar. I have a fish video for my cats, which they really enjoy watching, so I'm sure they'll also enjoy my aquarium once I get it set up.

Barb -- thanks for your post. I addressed a question to you (or anyone else interested) related to your 5-gallon set-up in the betta forum. Thanks!

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