Just my luck...

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
I ordered joes juice from www.aquariumsupplystore.com and didnt get it, been 3 weeks. Emailed them and tried calling, no response and the phone was no longer in use. I got pretty p---d off and thought I got ripped. Turns out the place caught fire and everything is pretty much ruined, and underwater, so they need to clean it out and get the data out of the computers. Damn, just my luck. Aiptasia win again, for now.


The link at the bottom has the news report.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
KahluaZzZ said:
Guppy...when you shoot them with the seringe..do they have time to hide ?
When i shoot mine..i turn off the pumps etc...and slooowly get near 'em..i spray gently until it's all covered with the good white stuff..they die.
I turn off my water flow and no they dont hide and yes they turn all white. I dont know but there must be something Im not doing right. :confused:


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
my joe's juice is pretty old and once i forgot to close the cap completely..and the liquid evaporated. So...i put some water in it and mix it with the remaining paste or powder...but i didn't put much water so the joe's juice is more concentrated. I tried it and it worked very well.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The problem with killing aiptasia with Joes Juice or kalk mix is you're only killing what you hit. Believe it or not aiptasia move, and as they move they drop baby aiptasia along the way by splitting them off at the foot of the thing - this is called pedal laceration. What happens is you hit one, and a few days later one of the babies grows to take it's place, but you think the old one has regrown.
So to kill a big group, especially an establisehed group with kalk or joes juice is going to take a long time, and you're going to have to repeatedly kill some locations.
Make sure you aregetting the things to ingest the mix rather than just coating them externally - they can survive that. That is the advantage that joes juice has over kalk - it contains a feeding stimulator, so they will ingest it, and then burn up, explode. If you find they keep closing up as you're trying to get them, one you need to be quicker and get a steaier hand, and two, drop in a little frozen food - the aip's will 'smell' it, and open up to start feeding on floating debris.

Frankly if you are repeatedly getting lots of aips, they are being fed by something, and that is likely you overfeeding the tank. Putting in straight cubes of frozen mysis, brine is a sure way to get problems like this, and various algaes. You should take the frozen food, defrost it in a small pot, and feed the shrimp, not the packing juices.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yeah, for the most part I feed a small amount on sometimes a near daily basis, but most the time I skip a day or 2. Thats originally my conclusion for why I have so many, but it appears they are still finding food. Will try your idea.

I hear what youre saying about moving, I see the little ones float around and find a place to attach.

I plan on leaving this rock in this tank and continually treating it, as I am upgrading tanks, this one will be spare and put to that use. Figure once theres nothing in there I want (fish, mobile inverts), stop feeding and see what happens when all they have to eat is Joes stuff.