Just saying Hello

Just wanted to pop in say Hello!! and let you know i think this is a great place.

i am not new to keeping freshwater aquariums or ponds or its various occupants, but didn't want to lurk around......lol.

Hope to find all sorts of interesting discussions about this awesome hobby of ours.....yes i am an addict to fishies (and newts and frogs and turtles and snails and hehehehehe). normally i have 5 tanks up and running and one smaller indoor pond.

glad to have found this place.

Thanks for the Welcome Angelfish.....

And yes i do have photos, They are on disk, but will get them up here for you.......the pond is one of those prefab types, just over a 100gallons, looks like a butterfly.....lol.

Right now, i do not have it up and running, as I live with my family right now (job change), though as soon as i move it will be up and running....