Just to let everyone know

Aug 10, 2003
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Hi, awile ago I got another male betta (now I have 2), anyways, I had a free ten gallon so I put one male in there and put in the divider. I have used the divider before when I was attempting to spawn my bettas, it worked fine, no one jumped over, they couldent get through. When the divider was in my male couldent get through and it looked like he couldent jump over, so I put in the other male and watched them flare, they looked awesome. Then I left to go do something, for like five minutes. I came back and they were fighting.:eek: :mad: One of them must have jumped over. My veil tailed male was batterd up bad, probobly 1/2 of his tail gone and 1/3 of his bottom fin gone. I put him in his one gallon and I still am treatin him with Mellafix. He has made good progress so far. My other male, my double tail wasnt even touched.:eek: His fins were in perfect condition. So I am just writting this to let everyone know that in five minutes a male can be torn up bad.