just what are bubble nests?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
i have a vauge idea of bubble nests male bettas just make them in the top corners or in floating plants like when there ready to breed or something? i heard the make them so when the babies are born they like live there or something??? :confused: lol help me out here ppl

:eek: :D *celebrate *crazysmil *laughingc *crazysmil *celebrate :D :eek:

Oct 26, 2003
Toronto Canada
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A Betta will build a bubble nest when it is happy. When Bettas have babies, the male picks up the eggs in his mouth and sticks them to his bubble nest so he wont lose them. The babies hatch, and they cant swim until they absorb their yolk sacks because they are too heavy, so they hang out, stuck to the bubble nest. Bubble nests also attract females. A nice nest is like a new BMW. The bigger and frothier the nest, the more interested a female will be because her babies will be safer.

I have had all kinds of anabantids but have only ever seen a betta make a nest. They breathe in air from the surface, go an inch under water, and blow out bubbles into specific locations to make a uniform nest. They breathe and blow like this about 20 times a minute and its great to watch.