Just when I thought I was done adding fish to my tank (for a little while at least) I come home and find a surprise. I got three convict cichlids about three weeks ago. One male and two female. I knew there was a VERY BIG chance of them breeding, but it didn't expect it to be this successful this soon. Some of you may have read my other posts when I showed you my new convicts, if you have, Banner and Connie Lu are now parents *celebrateof LOTS of little fry. I won't even try to count how many there are.*crazysmil I tried to get pics of the fry, but being that my camera doesn't focus on them very well and they don't like to sit still very long, the good pics I did get are still a bit blurry.
Here's the parents
Connie Lu
Some pics of fry (I circled them, or at least what I think is them, in case you can't find them)
Now, my question.... What do I do now? Banner and Connie Lu are good parents. They keep my other fish away from the babies (without injuring anyone) and they keep the babies grouped as close together as they can. I'm just not sure if there's anything I can do. My tank is a 40 gallon and the only other tank in my house is my dad's (which has no fish at the moment) I might be able to move my other fish there for a while. Don't think I'd be able to do it without scattering the parents and their wee ones though. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
I know these little ones will need homes ifthey survive. So don't worry I am working on that detail.
Here's the parents
Connie Lu
Some pics of fry (I circled them, or at least what I think is them, in case you can't find them)
Now, my question.... What do I do now? Banner and Connie Lu are good parents. They keep my other fish away from the babies (without injuring anyone) and they keep the babies grouped as close together as they can. I'm just not sure if there's anything I can do. My tank is a 40 gallon and the only other tank in my house is my dad's (which has no fish at the moment) I might be able to move my other fish there for a while. Don't think I'd be able to do it without scattering the parents and their wee ones though. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
I know these little ones will need homes ifthey survive. So don't worry I am working on that detail.
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