Just when things were going great!

Hi ......So far things have been doing great in my SW Cube........ wake up this AM and my Anemone was sucked up in one of my power heads:( I tested the water real quick and had a reading of .50 ppm of ammonia and the Trates were a little high. So I immediatley did about a 35% water change and added Amquel plus. Did I do the right thing? Is there anything esle I could have done? The sponge fell off or got knocked off my power head. I am so pissed off at myself right now. I have a little porcelain crab that called the anemone home. Will he be OK with out it or what?


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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maybe another water change. Well you already did a big one, but the volume of your tank is ??
The detoxifier is a good band aid / short term solution.
Don't be pissed at yourself, sh!t happens. Hehe it reminds me when my powerhead felt and sucked my xenia and shred it into millions pieces..fun to get rid of that.
I dunno why your crab shouldn't be ok without his anemone.

:eek: The volume of my tank is a 30 gallon cube. I almost tossed my cookies when I saw it. I still get a case of the willies trying to fish out all the body parts. I am staying away from anemones for awhile. I dont think my stomach could handle another disaster. Like I said in my previous post.. I added Amquel Plus, rinsed out the filters and intakes on my skimmer and HOB... This is really gross that it is hilarious.*laughingc


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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do another large water change...50% if you can, and get all the pieces of the anemone out, this is one of the major problems when people keep them...happens more often than you think. good that you learned a lesson though.