JW's Nano Venture: Powerheads


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Now this one is where I'm getting the most conflicting information.

Some sites recommend 2 smaller powerheads, such as the 106 and 160 GPH Maxi-Jet's.

This punk kid at my LFS (aka Mushroomman) recommends 1 Seio 620.

Some other folks recommend dual Seio 620's.

To me, it seem like the two smaller powerheads would be the way to go. 2 powerheads would give you more directional control to eliminate dead spots, but two 620's seems like too much current (that would be almost exactly 1 tank volume turnover every minute).

Any other thoughts?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I have heard great things about the Seo line of powerheads. I personally have 4 aquaclear (3 different sizes) for a total of (guesstimating) 350gph-400gph. Wayne wrote a good article on how people can almost be afraid to have a good amount of flow in there tank.

I would personally go with more than one powerhead to give you the luxory of positioning them wher you want to creat cross flows and different angles (I have my largest powerhead on the far left facing into the lr and toward the front glass, the smaller two onthe far right facing front and behind the rock, and a small one in the middle (eclipsed by lr) straight into the back of the lr.

Seos would be great to have (2 would be awsome) with the swivling you would be on top of preventing dead spots.