Ok...so I've decided to upgrade whatever little tropical tanks I have now into a 36gal Bowfront...
My friend actually has this tank right now until I can afford it, but it comes with specific stand, black sand, Eheim Pro Series 2028 canister filter, up to 50gal airpump, Custom T8 lights with MOONLIGHTS!!, & Glass Lid...
My plants will be:
Sunset Hygro
Green Hygro
Water Wisteria
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Barteri 'Nana'
Anubias Barteri Nana 'Petite'
Crypt Balansae
Crypt Wendtii 'Red'
Crypt Wendtii 'Tropica'
Crypt Pontederiifolia
Crypt Cordata 'Rosanervig'
Crypt Petchii
Crypt Parvae
Ozealot Sword
Water Lotus
Needle Leaf/Regular Java Ferns
Java/Christmas/Taiwan Moss
Fish will be:
3x German Blue Rams
1x Bolivian Ram
4x Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish
4x Orange Von Rio Tetras
6x Cardinal Tetras
6x Glowlight Tetras
2x Clown Plecos
1x Zebra Pleco
I'm sure there will be a few other tetras, guppies, endlers, female bettas, and danios thrown in there too, but I'm not sure yet...Right now, the fish plan is kinda set in stone...
My friend actually has this tank right now until I can afford it, but it comes with specific stand, black sand, Eheim Pro Series 2028 canister filter, up to 50gal airpump, Custom T8 lights with MOONLIGHTS!!, & Glass Lid...
My plants will be:
Sunset Hygro
Green Hygro
Water Wisteria
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Barteri 'Nana'
Anubias Barteri Nana 'Petite'
Crypt Balansae
Crypt Wendtii 'Red'
Crypt Wendtii 'Tropica'
Crypt Pontederiifolia
Crypt Cordata 'Rosanervig'
Crypt Petchii
Crypt Parvae
Ozealot Sword
Water Lotus
Needle Leaf/Regular Java Ferns
Java/Christmas/Taiwan Moss
Fish will be:
3x German Blue Rams
1x Bolivian Ram
4x Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish
4x Orange Von Rio Tetras
6x Cardinal Tetras
6x Glowlight Tetras
2x Clown Plecos
1x Zebra Pleco
I'm sure there will be a few other tetras, guppies, endlers, female bettas, and danios thrown in there too, but I'm not sure yet...Right now, the fish plan is kinda set in stone...