Kenny's 36gal Bowfront Journal

Apr 14, 2008
#1 I've decided to upgrade whatever little tropical tanks I have now into a 36gal Bowfront...

My friend actually has this tank right now until I can afford it, but it comes with specific stand, black sand, Eheim Pro Series 2028 canister filter, up to 50gal airpump, Custom T8 lights with MOONLIGHTS!!, & Glass Lid...

My plants will be:
Sunset Hygro
Green Hygro
Water Wisteria
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Barteri 'Nana'
Anubias Barteri Nana 'Petite'
Crypt Balansae
Crypt Wendtii 'Red'
Crypt Wendtii 'Tropica'
Crypt Pontederiifolia
Crypt Cordata 'Rosanervig'
Crypt Petchii
Crypt Parvae
Ozealot Sword
Water Lotus
Needle Leaf/Regular Java Ferns
Java/Christmas/Taiwan Moss

Fish will be:
3x German Blue Rams
1x Bolivian Ram
4x Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish
4x Orange Von Rio Tetras
6x Cardinal Tetras
6x Glowlight Tetras
2x Clown Plecos
1x Zebra Pleco

I'm sure there will be a few other tetras, guppies, endlers, female bettas, and danios thrown in there too, but I'm not sure yet...Right now, the fish plan is kinda set in stone...

Apr 14, 2008
I really do like the Zebra Plecos too!!

I'm kinda considering leaving my plecos in the 55gal though since they are poop monsters & I worry too much...I could replace them with ottos I think!

All of my intened plants are in a 10gal Tank being held and 3 of the 4 Von Rios are [I had 4, but one almost turned into a disc...then died] :(

Since you requested pics, I will atleast start posting pics of the fish and plants I have and will get since this is a journal!

I'm very tempted to add in my Red Temple Plant as it is a beautiful weed! :)

My Blaxya in this tank is slowly dying and the microsword isn't really carpeting, just kinda growing here and there, so, I'm doubting I will include them...

Anyways, here are the pics[These are not my best pics...]:



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
You could also post this journal onto the "rate my freshwater fishtank" thread on these forums...Thats kinda what i have done with my tank project.

good looking tanks. I wish you luck

Apr 14, 2008
My other journal is in this, for now, I think I'll leave it here.

Thanks for the complaiments BTW. This will be my first try to actually AQUASCAPE a tank. LOL The 10 is just a holding tank...I'm gonna try to buy the tank very soon and the get a pair of GBR's growing while I fishless cycle this one...

Apr 14, 2008
That's another thing I'm trying to decided? Do I want any more Mopani Wood...As you can tell, I'm an Anubias Spp. freak..but my choices are limited right now. :(

Even more so that I don't have the money to buy new fish, plants, or Hard-Scape! LOL


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Laugh, well i own one big mopani peice, and from what ive seen you have to prepare it for a LONG time before putting it into a tank. My guess is that it wont alter the water's pH anything fierce, so i wouldnt worry about that. Do you want clear water? or black water? you can have either one with mopani driftwood. Over all, if you want driftwood for decorative , and plant growing purposes then yea i'd say get some.

Wait till you have money first of course, as its quite expensive :(

EDIT: didnt realize you had some already. yea get some more lol.

Apr 14, 2008
In my experience, Mopani sinks the second you put in...Are you sure you don't have Mayalasian Driftwood instead?

In answer to you previous questions,

I want clear water but my water is a little yellow to begin with, so it's not life or death having it brown...

If you look on the left side of the tank & see all that moss, that's my mopani! :rolleyes:*BOUNCINGS


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Haha, didnt recognize it with all that moss over it.

The problem with mine isnt sinking it (obviously i know cuz i soak it in water) its getting all that tannin crap out of it. After like 5 days of hard boiling its still making the water yellow. hopefully itll get better this week. As you can tell I like my water crystal clear.

Dammit mopani...soon...youre gonna go in the tank soon *SUPERSMIL

Apr 14, 2008
Never go against DW! never works! LOL

Actually, when I first started fish keeping, My peice of driftwood came out of the substrate and shattered the glass lid & broke the light bulb! Expensive crap for a 3$ piece of DW!!!

Apr 14, 2008
#14 got me in a kinda pissy mood from JUST buying that lid & light fixture[and they were my BDAY present]...I spent near 100$ on both...And only the fixture still worked! :(

The only good news was that was 2007 when people gave other people breaks [Pet shop gave me a MAJOR discount!] and I actually had money! LOL

The glass lid breaking the 2nd time was my fault...I fell on the tank from not being recovered from breaking my ankle...

Apr 14, 2008
So, if you guys can't tell, I'm not stocking this sucker yet...I have 2 Ghost Shrimp & 1 Guppy [take with me in the 1 gal? Goldies & bettas would EAT them!] I'm unsure what to do with when I go and a Cory fry who will live in with the Angels[after he's grown] + the Tetras will live in the 55...

However, I have some *TRAGIC* news from the 10 holding tank...My CAE died! :eek::(:(:(

I really liked that fish and was going to bring him with me to S.A.!! I'd like to get a gold one...but he was peaceful! I doubt any other would be...

Last edited:
Apr 14, 2008
Yet another tank in my projects...

Ok...since I'm down to one betta [my very pretty black/blue/green/teal CT betta passed away today], I setup a very special tank for my other VT betta, Flame. [a 5HEX]...He seems to love it & so do I...Still need to get it a new bulb and possibly a few plants + 2 ADF's...but so far its great!:

Here's the brat in his old 2.5gal Minibow and before that, 10gal:

Enjoy! Hope it makes up for lack of progress!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
His new hex looks very nice! I'd add a floating plant on the side, but thats just me. Too bad youre having some fish die recently... :(

When is that move? did it hapen already, and if so which tanks and 4 fish did you take w/ you?