Kenyii Cichlids

Oct 17, 2003
Hampton, Virginia
I just got a new tank and I want to put african cichlids in it, Kenyii Cichlids to be exact. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these fish. To be specific how many males vs females? Is sand ok? and I want to put live plants in tank, is there anyway to keep them from tearing the plants up?

Most people recommend at least a 55g tank, they tear up plants (I have aponegetons, dwarf sag, and valisneria doing ok though, java ferns would work too) I guess sand would be fine (not sure, I use coral sand, cichlids like digging) you need at least 2 females to every male, 3 or more would be better to split up aggression, along with lots of rocks and stuff (I use these tree stump decorations) I don't think you'd need a powerhead.

While I like mine, there are arguably "cooler" cichlids. I can't name them off the top of my head, but they Make sure you read up on them and make sure you want them, they can be mean little b@stards. You will probably have to keep just kenyis (if only to prevent hybrids, not to mention the aggressiveness) They will dig up your plants... thats why mine are actually attached to the decorations, lol. Except for the valisneria & sag (not sure the sag is doing too well), thats just buried normally. My male kenyi actually reburries them for me when he digs out his burrow due to creative plant placement...

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Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
pretty well summed up above :)

kenyi are one of the most aggressive mbuna out there, but that is not to say that you cant keep them if you wish.

just be careful mixing kenyi with less aggressive species like yellow labs and you will be fine, they are tough as nails.

here is a link so you can check out some other mbuna species : - check the articles section, it is loaded.

and for future reference we have a cichlid section, so scroll down and post your cichlid questions there next time ;)

Oct 17, 2003
Hampton, Virginia
Thanks for the info, Ill be sure and check my fish store for the above mentioned plants. I cant wait to set my tank up :D I already have a male and he is my favorite, he is so active and isnt scared of anything, not even me when Im doing tank maintenence. Again thanks for the info. And if anyone knows about the sand please let me know. I did notice that the pet store doesnt have them with sand, they use this stuff called 'African Cichlid Mix'. Maybe that is a hint, but i still want a second opinion as i think sand is so pretty in a tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sand is good, but the substrate is really up to you. the fish don't care. If you get something with crushed coral or calcium in it, it will raise the PH which is good for african cichlids

as for male/females we try to keep mbuna 1m/3f or 1m/4f.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i also use the quikrete coarse-medium sand, but i think it is actually only 2.39$ for a 50lb bag....i dunno, been awhile since i had african cichlids.

the grain size is slightly large than other types of sand, which is a good thing IMO.

also, the grains vary quite a bit...some smaller than others, but all in all it looks great and is a heck of a lot cheaper than other types of sand.

Sep 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
Just be careful when using sand. It can get sucked up in your filter. Make sure your intake is not too close to the bottom of the tank and you should be fine. Or if you are like me you have a canister and you have to dump about a pound of sand out when you do water changes. I love canisters. Only clean water goes by the impeller.