kermit the fish?

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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Hey hey,

I have been posting a little but I have yet to formally introduce myself, and since I just fixed up my own avatar (hence, kermit the fish, hehe) I decided now was as good a time as any!

I am a 22 yr old in Halifax, NS. I just graduated with my BSc and am currently working on my honours. My boyfriend and I are also in the process of setting up some tanks.

My first fish was a goldfish (Sysaphus) and he lived a long life for a bowl fish. He even moved to the city with me and still survived awhile. He even survived a party where my friends thought it would be cool to give him some beer! My next fish was a betta, Mowgli, but he was a grump and didn't live too long. Next came three tiger barbs (because of the size of my "tank" we couldn't get anymore). Well, the most agressive one commited murder/suicide leaving me with Boo, the albino, who is still kickin two years later and happy as a clam with his new apple snail friend, Pomme. The newest member of the fish family is Mufasa, a beautiful red betta who has a great personality!

Soon, I am going to have a dwarf gourami, some zebra danios, and dwarf rainbowfish! Then, someday, if I get my way, I'll get some discus, and a Tanganikan (sp?) tank (seperately of course!) My boyfriend has taken to Malawi cichlids, so the apartment is full!! Not to mention my hedgehog Chiquita!

Anyway, this has been long enough! So, hello! :)

Jun 25, 2003
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welcome, ducks (if i can call you ducks). I'm fairly new as well.

I'm glad you're getting a dwarf gourami. What kind?
Maybe you should consider a full size gourami, maybe a pearl or a blue to start.

Just whatever you do, don't let the dwarf and Mufassa be tank mates. I'd hat to see someone get hurt...

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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I can tell! We have two tanks and a bowl right now, and we are each getting another tank!

I originally wanted to put Mufasa in with the gourami, but I've been reading that its not a good idea.

I'm planning on getting a dwarf flame. But are regular ones more hardy? Golden gouramis are gorgeous