Keyhole cichlids and angelfish?


New Fish
Jul 29, 2013
Hi guys! I have a cycling 55gallon tank and will be upgrading my two angelfish and 5 bronze Corys when it is finished. I was hoping to get another cichlid tankmate that would be suitable. Has anyone tried keyholes and angels? My angels are both still very small(1 is quarter sized and the other is silver dollar sized) and the Cory's likewise. I have never kept keyholes before so any tips or suggestions would be welcome.

Jun 25, 2009
Hi, I had a 37 gall tank: 1 angel, 1 keyhole with 4x corys panda and some tetras
Keyhole is a shy fish and stay more at bottom.
55gal is good tank, but good hidding spot for keyhole Medium/High Roots or Rock with some Tall Plants for the Angels.
Angels will get bigger and will boss the tank, they are active.