I want either a pair of Keyhole Cichlids or a pair of Kribs for my 20 gallon tank. Which would be better? Which are better parents? I want to breed them. Any info on Keyholes would be helpful! Im researching them, but not finding much. Thanks!!!
hehehe, i like keyholes too. idk why but i think theyre cool looking as far as parenting skills, from what ive read they are both great parents, i think its just up to whatever fish you like more.
lol, tough decision. I think Kribs look cooler. Is one easier to breed than the other? Are Keyholes aggressive during breeding? Do they need a Dither fish? THANKS!!
Don't know about keyholes but I know kribs are generally peaceful until breeding time then they get very protective for their eggs. From what I've heard kribs are very good parents.