KH problem + Ick


Small Fish
Jul 21, 2009
So after numerous tests over a couple weeks, the usual stuff like ammonia/nitrite/nitrate seemed to be doing fine, something like a 0/0/almost 0. Even GH is at an acceptable level of 2-4, and yet my fish keep getting sick every few weeks, especially the neons. I've even run into the neon tetra disease at one point, but fortunately stopped it in time after a couple fish died. Now the current problem is Ich and I don't think just using meds will stop any future diseases coming in, so I figured there was something wrong with the water.
What I noticed is that the PH kept fluctuating from 6.5 to 7.4, and I later found out that my KH was around 0-2. However all the products I've seen so far(like SeaChem's Alkaline Buffer and Nutrafin's KH Booster) that increase KH also increase PH, and the fish in my tank (mostly tetras and otos) do not like the high PH. That's my first, more important problem. Should I go ahead and risk the higher PH for the sake of increasing the KH, or are there other products out there that only increase KH?
My other problem is about a product called Ick Clear by Jungle Laboratories. I've read a lot of reviews and they all contradict each other. Some say it's amazing and cured the fish almost immediately, while some say it didn't work and even helped wipe out the already sick fish. Anyone have any experience with it? There are shrimp in there too, but I haven't found any copper or other heavy metals in the tablets yet. If anyone can second that, it would be appreciated.
Sorry for the rather long post, but this whole disease cycle has existed almost immediately after I added my first fish into the tank and I want to resolve it once and for all. This is my first tank, but I don't think its normal for fish to get sick 3 times in 4 months, each one lasting days to 2 weeks.
Thanks in advance to those who would bother reading this wall of text and respond to it.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i have otos living in water with a pH of 8.1
they will be fine as long as you STOP doing w/e youre doing to alter the pH or KH or the water in general.
In terms of being sick its likely becuase of too much stress due to changing the water chemistry back and forth like that.
just run the tank with w/e KH and pH your tap water has. dont mess. youll loose a lot of fish that way.


Small Fish
Jul 21, 2009
So basically leave it alone as much as possible even if the water isn't as soft or acidic as tetras would have liked?
And I've only used Equilibrium once because my GH was 0 and my LFS told me 0 GH is seriously affecting the fish's health, and Acid Buffer once or twice in months because the PH was reaching 8.
Oh and does Acid Buffer lower the KH?
Thanks for the responses by the way


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
try to leave it alone as much as possible. by playing with it youre likely changing the water chemistry too rapidly for the fish, and theyre getting sick as a result.

0 GH is bad. keep adding those fish traces to get a GH of at least around 5-10. the ions help biological processes in fish. only a few fish can live is very soft water with no GH. i think discus are one (in the wild)

Acid buffer is likely lowering the GH and KH. in order to lower pH, which is the function of acid buffer, the carbonate and general hardness must be lowered.

See what happens if you dont use the buffers anymore...
If your pH raises way too high, around 8.3 or something, then you probably could have kept african cichlids with less trouble than tetra.
The fish should adapt though...


Small Fish
Jul 21, 2009
Thanks a lot, the feedback helps :)
I think I got it now, just need to get rid of the ick.
By the way, Jungle Lab's Ick Clear suggests a one day treatment (or another if spots are still visible) and then clearing the meds up the next day. I thought the Ick cycle lasts about 3 days on average though, and meds only kill the free swimming stage, so it doesn't make sense to me to clear the meds and have it come back again the day after. It's already been a day and the ick does seem to be going away- there are just a couple minor infections on maybe 3-4 fish out of 30ish fish. I used half dosage as suggested for small fish ( 1/2 tab per gallon instead of 1 tab) Any suggestions with that?


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
yeah, the reason you get mixed reviews from chemicals is because the average fish keeper is well below average when it comes to common sense. they have fish because they thing it is "easy". They expect a fish medicine to be a magic cure all and when they still lose fish they don't realize it is because their fish were sick way before they started treating them. By the time these average dippy fish keepers realize the fish are sick it is too late for any medicines.


Small Fish
Jul 21, 2009
Ick seems to be gone and I think I'll clear the meds, because I figure that if I can keep the fish healthy they won't get infected again anyway. Water conditions are so annoyingly hard to control though, so I think I'll just live with the less-than-ideal conditions (7+PH and low KH) instead of trying to perfect it. Like you guys suggested it was probably the source of the disease problem in the first place.

Kinda wanted that ideal soft water with a stable PH of 6.5, but I guess things just never go perfectly in the real world :( I wonder if advanced aquarists try to perfect water conditions like that.

Thanks a lot for the help!

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i feel you on that want to have your tank at acidic levels. I really would have liked to keep anglefish and such, but my tap water is liquid rock, and they certainly wouldnt have liked that. sooo..Swordtails for me :D