Killer Guppy

Feb 3, 2014
Hi, I have a problem with a murderous guppy!
I had 2 swords (1 male and 1 female) 2 mollies (1 male and 1 female) 5 guppies (2 males 3 females)and 2 goldfish (sex unknown) in a 90 litre tank. I fed them as usual yesterday morning with no problems, came back at dinner time to 3 dead male fish! Whilst trying to fish out the corpses I have also noticed I have 3 guppy fry. Since the massacre I have been hyper vigilant and have noticed my lone male guppy is chasing all the other fish. Now I don't know if I'm looking for a fish to blame or I have a bully on my hands but would appreciate some input as I'm rather new to this and don't want to replace the fish only for the murderer to have his wicked way again!



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
check your water parameters for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates. let us know what they are. sounds like your tank may be overstocked and water quality killed the fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Chesney, what's your water change schedule?

Like said, hopefully you have a water parameter test kit and can get a read on ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Plus you've got cold water fish mixed with tropicals. That's no good. Goldfish should be kept with goldfish & no heat.

Feb 3, 2014
I have done water tests and they're all fine so it's not that. I was told that the goldfish were fine to have in the tank as you can put cold water fish into warm water but not the other way round. So any other suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
What FishDad means is we need the exact numbers for the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. "Fine" doesn't really mean anything. Also what temp is the tank at? Oh, and Welcome to the forum!!

Feb 3, 2014
Hi sorry my response seemed vague my ammonia was 00ppm and my nitrates were 35-40 ppm, this is ok isn't it? I may have been misinformed with regards my goldfish I apologise. They seem to me to cause no problems but what do I know that's why I'm on this site. Thanks

Feb 3, 2014
I don't have a nitrite test I will purchase one and post results. I now only have 1 common goldfish left as my shubunkin died at some point in the night, so that's 4 fish I have lost in a week. My fry and other fish seem to be thriving so can't understand why I'm losing fish.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
common goldfish get BIG. general rule of thumb for goldfish is 20 gallons for one and an additional 10 gallons for each goldfish after that. so a 55 gallon tank is safe for 4 goldfish roughly. one of the big problems is they produce ALOT of bio waste. lots of ammonia which turn into nitrites and then to nitrates. if there are to many then the bacteria may not be able to keep up causing either ammonia or nitrites to be elevated. at the moment that does not seem to be an issue but can in the future.

My question is where did the fish come from? A big chain store or a reputable local fish store? I'm pretty sure most everyone on here has had some bad luck or bad advice from the big chain stores as far as livestock go. I did a little sting operation at a couple petcos a few months ago. got ALOT of bad advice and people trying to sell me things i don't need. I posed as a new fish keeper. I suggest going to small family owned fish stores and things like that. may pay more but the advice and quality of fish are well worth it. and if you are a regular customer they may give you deals and things like that. my favorite local store sold me angels for half price cause i plan to breed them for them. I already breed some africans for them. another option is look for a local fish club. I got the "quad cities fish keepers" in my area. alot of local breeders and fish store owners as well as the small timers like me who sell quality fish and plants.

I may have thrown a bit at you but the quality of the fish u bought might have been an issue. one of those things to consider.