So, I trying to finialize the stocking list for my 55gal betta sorority/community.
So far I have:
9x female bettas (maybe...if I can find two more I love)
5x neon tetras
5x cardinal tetras
6x kuhli loaches (3x striped 3x black)
5x otos
6x albino cories
2x German blue rams
I know the neons and cardinals will school together because they're similar in size/shape/color. However, I was also thinking of adding a school of 5 Von Rio/flame tetras. I love the look of them and think they would just add a little more pizazz to the tank. Will they school with the neons/cardinals or will they form their own "gang"? This is more a curiousity question than anything. I'm more than likely going to get the Von Rios/flames regardless, but I'm just curious as to how many separate schools I'll have.
So far I have:
9x female bettas (maybe...if I can find two more I love)
5x neon tetras
5x cardinal tetras
6x kuhli loaches (3x striped 3x black)
5x otos
6x albino cories
2x German blue rams
I know the neons and cardinals will school together because they're similar in size/shape/color. However, I was also thinking of adding a school of 5 Von Rio/flame tetras. I love the look of them and think they would just add a little more pizazz to the tank. Will they school with the neons/cardinals or will they form their own "gang"? This is more a curiousity question than anything. I'm more than likely going to get the Von Rios/flames regardless, but I'm just curious as to how many separate schools I'll have.