Kingsley and heat don't seem to mix...

Sep 20, 2003
Well, Kingsley had been in the spawning tank after a half hour acclimation period since last night. When I put a bag with Snow Pea in so she could acclimate, I noticed that Kingsley seems lethargic and my mom noticed increased respiration. The water temp is 82 and the air temp is 80 degrees. He's been a very healthy animated betta up until putting him in the spawning tank. We have turned the heater down, but how low can it be before it's too cold for fry? Does this sound like a heat problem? What is a good way to help Kingsley?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I could be the increased heat, but usually more heat = more activity with bettas.

30 minutes is usually fine. I let them sit for 15 then add a bit of tankwater into the bag, then let them sit another 15 minutes.

It may be he is adjusting to the new environment/surroundings or a bit scared.

I would keep the heater at a minimum of 80F. The added heat also affects the spawning couple.

Don't worry about his energy level, once the female is introduced he will come alive in a BIG way!!!

Good Luck!!

Sep 20, 2003
Well, the female has been introduced, but he's still lethargic. I understand that he may need to adjust, but he only comes alive when she swims over to him. I let her out of the hurricane globe hoping to spunk him up. He will flare for her and chase her, but she has to seek him out. Poor girl, she's doing a little bit of the downward swimming stuff (just a few minutes ago I saw it for the first time), and he may chase her a bit and then go back and mope around at the bottom. I expected more activity when she came out of the glass chimney. Is this at all normal????


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Is Kinsley a little on the old side? Older males get lethargic I hear, and that might be what is going on. He also may be sick... is he getting pale/torn fins?

Do you have a back-up male.... it would be better to remove her now before she gets hurt or uninterested and use another (younger) male.

Sep 20, 2003
I've come to the conclusion it could be something in the tank. We bleached it (and rinsed it well) before putting fish in but it had had hamsters in it at one time and then had been sitting outside getting rained in for months. So I think it's the tank maybe not getting sterilized well enough. Why did I draw this conclusion? Because Snow Pea started not looking too great herself. In order to hopefully keep my fish alive, I have scrapped the spawn attempt and have removed the pair. I will probably get a new tank, as other tanks have either had hamsters or lizards in it, and something just may not be getting sterilized. I'll try again hopefully soonn with a new tank.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sounds like a good plan. I am always a little scared when using bleach also, so I usually only use vinegar, especially for my small acrylic tanks.

My 10 gal cost me $30 new at a garage sale with everything but the heater. Some people suggest using a 20 gal for more grow-out, but I still think a 10 is easier to manage for the 4 to 5" of water height.