Kk - somebody hold me back!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I was looking up about Bettas and i found this!
Now, i think just about everybody knows my views on keeping the beautiful Bettas in small spaces, but this is taking the mick! I know they're up for sale, but i guessing people keep them in tiny little things like that!
i'm so against it and so angry!
That is not right and it is not fair... i hope anybody who does that to animals ROTS!
Anyway - thats my little annoyed speech over. *crazysmil

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
lol....ive seen there is worse than that..being in a jar exactly the same but no PLANTS lol...anyway..at this fish superstore in bolton..thy have a proper big shelf, and it has little boxes the size of a small dictionary...but they also have a little bit of current from the spray bar..but really, i dont think anything is bad with it, there only gonna be in there maybe a day or 2 ?? but i do see your point!


Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
Uh oh, I guess you don't want to see a picture of how bettas are kept in my PetsMart. MUCH worse. I'll see if I can post it up later. The bettas in the jar at least have vertical swimming space, the one's around in PetsMart have Zero Vertical and Zero Horizontal swimming space, it's terrible.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
at this one lfs i used to go to in charleston sc, they would keep bettas in these really cool old glass bottles -- like old alcohol bottles and stuff. it was pretty neat.

but chazwick, i've seen much worst than the photo you linked to. at lesat they have a plant and some verticle space like charlius said.


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
Ok, here is my thought.

There are many animals out there.
There are many people who wish to keep them as pets.

Some are informed, some are not.

Why do some of us feel the need to go into a rant about something they saw on the internet.

Why not advocate for animals in YOUR OWN NEIGBORHOOD, and make a real difference, as opposed to complaining about a betta.

What about the cat down the street that doesn't get fed? Or, the bird nest that fell out of the tree with baby birds in it? What about the local wildlife that has to deal with urban pollution? Deal with what is near you first, before you go on a tyrade about a betta that is probably housed half way around the world from you. YOU are more than likely NOT going to make a difference in that betta's life, but YOU CAN make a difference in the wildlife around your house.

Start there. Be THEIR advocate....not a fish in a jar in another country.

JNeva.. i do make a difference in my neighbourhood.
I do volunteer charity work at my local RSPCA, I do annual protests for animal cruelty, child cruelty and many more weekly, i did neighbour hood dog walks when i was 7-10y/os... and plenty more, not to mention i'm going to be getting a saturday job at my local pet store, where i will be able to work with rabbits, birds, ferrets... hammies and FISH all day - So don't mind me being harsh.. but do the research before the ramble.


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
Chazwick said:
JNeva.. i do make a difference in my neighbourhood.
I do volunteer charity work at my local RSPCA, I do annual protests for animal cruelty, child cruelty and many more weekly, i did neighbour hood dog walks when i was 7-10y/os... and plenty more, not to mention i'm going to be getting a saturday job at my local pet store, where i will be able to work with rabbits, birds, ferrets... hammies and FISH all day - So don't mind me being harsh.. but do the research before the ramble.

Here's my question.

If you do annual protests for animal cruelty.....wouldn't you be a walking contradiction for keeping fish in glass boxes, rabbits, birds, ferrets, and hampsters in wire cages, and then selling them to people who may not be informed about the needs of said animal?

I don't care if you answer or not. Just making a point.

Now, to Erik and Adam...if you think that first post I put up there was mean, rude, or not very nice, re-read it. It is in no way, shape, or form a personal attack on my most favorite forum member . The only place where you could say I got 'personal' was when I said that people complain about a betta in a jar half way across the world.

I used that example, because it was RELEVANT to what Chaz was talking about. If I would have used an example that did not relate, it would not have made any sense.

If, perhaps, you need me to clarify, which, obviously you both do, you will see that I am saying 'instead of advocating about something 1/2 way across the world from you, start local'.

Actually, I think I used most of those words in the original post, and you may or may not have chosen to comprehend what I was attempting to convey to an audience.

Next time, before you (plural) decide to get out the 'YOUR BEING RUDE' signs, why don't you practice what Chaz teaches, by becoming INFORMED before you jump on someone. Read what I said. It is not meant to be a personal attack.

Comprehension. It's a good thing.

Last edited:


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
Wow, thats like 2/3 times the space that I've seen them in. I feel bad for them, I really do, but only thing you can do is send in a complaint (doubt that it'd change anything at all). It does look a helluva lot better than what I've seen them in!

Oh, and..uh..What 2x4? :confused: