Hey all,
I'm about two weeks into my krib pairs thrid spawn of kribensis fry (which appears to be going alot better now the tank has been redone) but wondered if anyone can give me any idea of how quickly the fry grow, i.e. what sort of age they start looking less like swimming stomachs and more like little fish!?
Thanks for any help
p.s. my krib i put on ebay has attracted some bids so in about 5 days she should be off to a new home
I'm about two weeks into my krib pairs thrid spawn of kribensis fry (which appears to be going alot better now the tank has been redone) but wondered if anyone can give me any idea of how quickly the fry grow, i.e. what sort of age they start looking less like swimming stomachs and more like little fish!?
Thanks for any help
p.s. my krib i put on ebay has attracted some bids so in about 5 days she should be off to a new home
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