Krib fry sizes

Jun 28, 2003
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Hey all,
I'm about two weeks into my krib pairs thrid spawn of kribensis fry (which appears to be going alot better now the tank has been redone) but wondered if anyone can give me any idea of how quickly the fry grow, i.e. what sort of age they start looking less like swimming stomachs and more like little fish!?
Thanks for any help :D

p.s. my krib i put on ebay has attracted some bids so in about 5 days she should be off to a new home

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Well, I don't know about the exact rate of krib fry growth. But any fry's growth is dependant on several enviornmental factors such as available food, water temp, and clean water.

Higher temp = Faster growth, but also requires more food
More Food= Faster growth, but water quality issues arrise
Better Water Quality = Faster Growth, but needs more attention from you to provide this

So the more you feed, the more you are going to have to be ontop of your water changes. With fry, its best to do frequent, smaller water changes than fewer, larger water changes. This helps keep the chemsitry of the water as well as the temp more stable.

A good guess, I would say within two months they should start to look more like the adults in at least body shape. I wouldn't count on any color for at least another month or so.

And congrats on getting some prospective buyers for you lone krib!


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Hey Karma!
Congrats on the krib fry. My kribs had fry about a month ago. When they were born they were about 1/8 of an inch big.
Here's a post I made about them with pictures.
Right now they are about 1/4 inch and you're right, they are little spotted things with a see-thru belly :D
I feed them frozen brine shrimp and then they also eat the leftover flakes that settle to the bottom. The parents take them on little trips around the tank to nibble on rocks and plants, too. There were about 30 or so when they were born, now I think they are down to 15 ish. But the remainers are doing great.
Good luck!

Jun 28, 2003
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Cute kribs you have f8fan, i figured the fry were quite slow growing and i'm in it for the long haul if they survive (crosses fingers).
My pair had their fry while i was on holiday, suspected they had just layed eggs before i went and a week later the fry were already swimming up and down the glass and racing around the tank. These fry are more robust than my previous two spawns and seem to be alot more active and so far have already survived longer than the other spawns (more experienced now).
I'll see if i can get a few photos of the little guys (if the krib parents let me!).
*grins* I love cichlids!!

oops, almost forgot - I found this website and didnt take long to work out that the ages of these fry must be wrong, any guess how old they really are in those photos?


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Geesh, hard telling. I haven't seem mine in such a great closup viewpoint. Whoever took those pics must be a lot smarter than me at digital cameras *SUPERSMIL (not too hard there!)

But interesting to think that this is what a four week old fry looks like (from the link you posted):

They are so cute!
And I love cichlids, too! This is the most fascinating thing I have ever seen in my tanks, their parenting!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Can't help on this much lol....i'm really not good with growth rates and how big fry should be at a certain period etc etc. All i know is it can vary. Clean clean water and the right food can make them grow a lot faster.

Last year sometime, some of the fry off of my brother's former pairs -

Nope, and those weren't taken with the DReb.

But congrats on the fry, and i think all of us cichlid nuts love them because of the parenting! :D


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Congrats! *celebrate
I just had a brood of Kribs a few days ago as well. They're so cool. I came home from work today and it looked like Mom & Dad had the kids out for a picnic. When they saw me, they immediately started sucking them up and put them back in the cave.
Funny thing, they don't seem to be eating. The adult pair doesn't eat and I can't tell if the fry eat since they're so small. I have to clean up most of the food I put in the tank even if I leave it there and leave the room for an hour or so. Is this normal?

Jun 28, 2003
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Yeah i've read food, temperature, pH etc can vary their growth rates so i guess there's no definitive answer, i'll just appreactaite them at the rate they want to grow at.
And your right, kribs are the most intruiging parents out there.

Also my fry have been living of the algae and stuff in the tank at the moment, does anyone recommend me supplimenting them at any time? (p.s. live bbs not an option unfortunately - i have quite a big insect-phobia that incompases anything small and wiggly *fry inot included!*)

p.s. C-man, just looked at your website and i never figured you for being the same age as me, freaky!

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