Krib fry update with photos

Jun 28, 2003
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my krib fry are now just over two months old and still growing slowly. I have kept them in the 10 gallon with their mother for now and they are enjoying twice daily feeds of slightly crushed TetraPrima and TetraMin Pro mix (with the occasional suppliment of frozen live foods <- a new purchase which they love!)

At two months they resemble little kribs in their body shape and are starting to mature their adult colouration with the appearance of the line down the side of the body.

They're difficult little tykes to get photos of and after many many photos below is a montage of some of the better images (tho apologises, they're still not great.)

Hopefully over the next month they'll gain more colour and size, and with the addition of my two new tanks (as mentioned in another thread) I will hopefully be able to keep atleast a pair of them *BOUNCINGS


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Well lookie there! Wow karma, those little guys are going like weeds. They deffenitaly are starting to look like miniature kribs. So you are only going to keep a pair out of the fry?

I moved mine this week, along with the parents. The fry went to a wonderfull 10gallon full of algae, driftwood and java moss. They don't seem to have minded the move at all and seems to be looking foward to more flake food everyday. The parents went to my 45 gallon.

Congrats on getting the guys this far!

Jun 28, 2003
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thanks orion:)
I also noticed yesteday after posting that most of them now have shimmery blue pelvic fins like the adults, they are so cute.

I think i will only keep a pair but it depends on what i decide to put in both the new tanks and whether i have roomt o keep more, though i would really like to purchase a pair of pelv. taeniatus dehane, so need to leave space for them. Guess i'll just wait and see.

Glad to hear news of yours Orion, and that they're doing well also. I agree with you that they always seems happy to take more food, i've had to crush up a new lot of mix for them.
What sort of size are yours now, do they look similar to mine or are they still just patterned?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Yeah, they eat like little pigs.

Mine are still the camo color. However a few are trying to show a little bit of a strip on them. For the most part they still look like little stomaches with eyes.

Jun 28, 2003
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i noticed something interesting this morning. Some of the larger fry have white/shiny edging along the top of their dorsal fin (<- sure thats the right name for it but it sounds odd for some reason!).
Do you think this means that these will turn out to be the males as it is my male krib that has the white/shinyness along his top fin? Is this the first clue as to their sex? Any ideas?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Yep, dorsal fin is correct. ;)

That very well could be a sign of things to come. It would be interesting to see if those did turn out to be males if you had the resources to do so. I wouldn't bet on it right now however, it could be nothing more than another color morph before they attain adult coloration.

In other words I wouldn't rely on just one color pattern, or one of anything to say its a male or female. You would need a few more clues before you could say for sure. I have no experence with this, as I am curently raising my first batch of krib fry. I'll keep an eye out for this in any of my fry, and if I can catch it in time I may try to seperate them and grow them out to see what they are.

Jun 28, 2003
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i can sex the male and female as soon as they have their full adult colouration and before they develop the different fin shapes, it's to do with the colour along the dorsal fin, thats why i wondered if it was significant at this young age.

I have a hunch the ones with the colour on their dorsal may be male anyway as most of them are double the size of the rest, and i've read that it is the males that grow the fastest.

I'll try to keep track of these fry to see if they do become males, we could be on to an early sex identification aid!

edit- Thought i'd take a quick photos so you can really see what i mean, and you know what to look out for.


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