Krib help


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
Hey if you've seen my other threads then you know that I have two kribs. I'm almost 100% positive I have a male and a female. The male is fine for about half the day but the other half he chases the females. He does it randomly so there is n o pattern. I have a couple of caves and I'm going to be making a new one to add. I want to know if this aggression is a problem. He's like a teenager. Sometimes he's swimming with her and others he's chasing. Any help will be appreciated.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Sure, the male might take a notion though out the day to chase the female. When he doesn't, he might not be interested, or the female might just be standing up for herself better and pushing him away. Sounds like spawning behavior if you've got a male and female. If they are mature, the female will have a purple belly, and the male will not. There are other ways to sex them, but this is generally the easiest IMHO.

Not trying to be mean, but I've not seen your other threads. So when starting a new thread about something, it's generally best to give as much information as you can so people don't have to go searching though out the forums for it, or wait on an answer from you for something simple that you could have included in the original post. The easier you can make it for people to answer your questions, the more likely people will. I say this only in good faith to help you out :)


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
Ok that's very true. That's not mean it's the truth. So here's some more info:
-They're about 1-1.5 inches in length
-I've had them for about 2.5 weeks.
-I noticed that the bully has a pointed dorsal fin and the other has a rounded so that's my basis for gender.
-The bully is turning bluer with some orange and the other is more yellow.
-They're fed with a mix of pellets,flakes and sometimes blood worms twice a day.
-Each has their own cave that they can use.
-The plants are still young and growing so it's lightly planted.

That's all I can think of. If you need more information then tell me and I'll put it up.