krib pairing up as soon as i add him !!!!!

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
recently i lost my male krib from dropsy.. and today i went out and got a new one.. he is biggish his colours are beautiful and i can see the lateral line.. originally he was only allowed to be bought with a female because he was with another female the same size as mine.. when he was in the bag the female jumped up and started flaring at him... now as soon as i added him she turned black with gold and reddish belly.. her colours are soo beautiful and they keep staying with each other and going into her 'cave' because i have made a little wall infront of their home.. so if they have fry they wont take the fry out and all hell will break loose.. it is fascinating to wach them !!!! i will try to get a pic on here later if i can.. just thought id share with you all ! not bad for trading a baby black molly and 70 pence !!!!*thumbsups