Is there a general number of times that krib pairs will spawn? My pair have had four batches of fry...but for the last six months, nothing. Do only "young" kribs spawn?
They are both healthy and happy, eat well, etc. Tanks params are very constant and WNL. It's not that I want them to breed again, it's just I'm curious why they seem to have given up on it. They stay together in their favorite cave, it's not like they fight or anything. And their colors are still bright. Just no fry lately .
They are both healthy and happy, eat well, etc. Tanks params are very constant and WNL. It's not that I want them to breed again, it's just I'm curious why they seem to have given up on it. They stay together in their favorite cave, it's not like they fight or anything. And their colors are still bright. Just no fry lately .