do you reckon its a good mix?, a pair of kribs with 2 cherrys and two gold gourimeis? in a 120litre tank. planted.
and how agressive do kribs get when breeding? and how easy are they to breed?
Thanks for that, yes i agree, gourimes is a no no, the tank is 26uk galls, about 32 USgalls? i think the size is fine, just as long as i dont keep delicate fish in there!(or slow swimmers)
the barbs swim fast enough and are aggressive enough that they shouldnt be a problem while the kribs are breeding... they will act like target fish for the kribs to protect their fry against... target fish are often a good idea for first time kribs breeding.. they often eat their first few spawns but apparently sometimes if they have target fish they wont eat em... gouramis swim too slow and have fins that will be fun for the kribs to eat