My Kribensis cichlids are much too sexually active. I am moving the extra babies to a new aquarium that I would like to stock with Tiger Barbs so that the middle layer contain some movement, given that the Kribs are bottom dwellers.
As such, does anyone know if Kribs and Tiger Barbs are compatible or will the Barbs nip on the Kribs' fins or the Kribs will kill the Barbs?
If they are incompatible, what kind of schooling fish would you recommend that I keep with the Kribs beside Neon tetras, white clouds, and Danios?
Your help will be much appreciated.
As such, does anyone know if Kribs and Tiger Barbs are compatible or will the Barbs nip on the Kribs' fins or the Kribs will kill the Barbs?
If they are incompatible, what kind of schooling fish would you recommend that I keep with the Kribs beside Neon tetras, white clouds, and Danios?
Your help will be much appreciated.