Kribensis Compatible?


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
I was just cross referencing some fish, using . and discovered the chance to put a Cichlid in with my fish. I have a 60 gallon tank with 2 Bala Sharks, 6 Tiger Barbs and 1 common pleco. I searched further and found a link that stated these guys are friendly unless breeding.
It sounds real sketchy to keep a cichlid in with my tigers, especially after being told that the cichlids I was orginally looking at would destroy what I have in the tank. Are these guys mellow or should I disreguard this website?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
mcsully said:

1 out of my six tiger barbs got beaten up. Would a young Krib do this?
No. Kribs can be aggressive (mine are all the time), but they are relatively harmless. Fish smaller than they are may be a problem, but the damage Kribs inflict is pretty weak. If you have several, they will only be aggressive towards their own kind, or any fish that comes into their staked territory.


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
just woke up to get a glass of water and noticed he didn't make it, the injuries must have been that bad. The strange part was he was the largest tiger barb of the six.


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Well how large are the bala sharks? :confused:
If there large enough they could be a danger to your fish. :(
But if they are small then they shouldn't be that bad.
Anyway if you find out what did it than you shold really think about getting rid of that fish. Hope that no more fish die or get injured.
Good luck. *thumbsups

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Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
Well I woke up this morning to look at the guys and noticed my male Krib stomach was eaten, fins were okay but stomach was eaten.
So I've lost another fish in a week span, 1 tiger and 1 Krib. Now I'm starting to think what is going on?

Feb 28, 2006
I'm almost certain your female Krib did this, I just wanted one Krib to add to my community tank, so I got a female thinking it would be less aggressive than a male.

Well she's a little terror, smaller tetra's and guppies are not safe with female Kribs, and I guess now Tiger Barbs can be added to that list, although yours must be particulary nasty to be able to take out a male Krib and a Tiger Barb, I have mine with Lemon Tetra's, but Lemons are very fast and I think this keeps them out of trouble.

I just added a male Krib to my 75 gallon tank and she terrorizes him, he's very peaceful in comparison, contrary to what others say, an aggressive Krib can do a lot of damage to other peaceful/weaker fish if they feel like it.

After researching about Kribs I've found numerous stories of aggressive female Kribs killing males, it seems that they are constantly horny and this sexual frustration makes them aggressive.

I'm attached to my female Krib now, and she is very pretty, but if you don't wish to breed them, I'd get rid of her and get a male as they are much more peaceful in my limited experience.



Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
Thanks, I was posting in another section and noted that my female krib chases the Tiger Barbs around. My plan was to breed them but who knows. I'll heed your words and determine what to do when I get back this week.

Hey guy's can you keep 2 Kribs with 2 blue rams? i am trying to breed both but my blue male ram is being a loser and is afraid of my female krib:rolleyes: the female krib keeps trying to go into her cave but the rams are keeping her out of there by signalling her with colors or by attacking the male krib. The male tries to fight them off but the rams are stronger than him so yeah can you guys help me? *PEACE!*