I was just cross referencing some fish, using http://www.timstropicals.com/Compatibility/CompatibilitySearch.asp . and discovered the chance to put a Cichlid in with my fish. I have a 60 gallon tank with 2 Bala Sharks, 6 Tiger Barbs and 1 common pleco. I searched further and found a link that stated these guys are friendly unless breeding.
It sounds real sketchy to keep a cichlid in with my tigers, especially after being told that the cichlids I was orginally looking at would destroy what I have in the tank. Are these guys mellow or should I disreguard this website?
It sounds real sketchy to keep a cichlid in with my tigers, especially after being told that the cichlids I was orginally looking at would destroy what I have in the tank. Are these guys mellow or should I disreguard this website?