Kribensis info

Dec 20, 2002
Visit site
I am thinking of getting one single krib for my community tank. Do you think it would be too aggressive for guppies? I have read both sides. any opinions/ experiences?

Dec 20, 2002
Clearwater, Florida
Its a bit of a story, but after exchanges and getting 4 female kribs in a row when all I had wanted was a pair, I had 2 females in the same 10 gal. After watching the original female viciously attack this third attempt, I tossed the new female in with my 7 longfin blue danios in another 10 gal. Its been 3 days so far, and while she has taken over the ceramic castle, and the danios could care less if there was a ceramic castle in their tank, I have yet to see her act in an aggressive manner towards the danios, and there are no nipped fins. She is also swimming arround the tank quite a bit more than the solitary female.