kribs and heat wave?

Hey guys. I just lost a trio of kribs (a mated pair and an extra female). The pearl danios are fine. Tankwater params all within "excellent" range, NH3/4= 0, NO2=0, NO3<20. 10g live planted.

I know what killed them. It was the heat wave here...the house and tanks were 92 despite ice, waterchanges, and fans.

what has me stumped is that the danios are fine, and so are the kribs in an almost identical 10 on the upper level of the stand (stacked 10s).

Has anyone heard of breeding kribs being sensitive to heat?

thanks for any responses guys....I'm pretty bummed about this. And the temps are climbing again this weekend!


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sorry 'bout yer fishes:(

Don't know bout kribs but I'd say close to 90% of all my fish losses have been in the summer D/T heat.  We got a 22,000 BTU  window unit last year. Takes care of our whole first floor.  I would never tell my wife that the fish tank had any thing to do with my decision to get it.  Last summer was very mild down here in Philly.  Didn't loose a single fish and didn't use much AC.   Nuther story this year though.  Haven't gotten our first electric bill of the AC season yet.  So we've been running the AC like fools.  Tanks are staying in the low 80F's.  They fluctuate more than usual though.  I know that can stress them.  Jes keep doin xtra H2O changes.  I used to do ice but stopped.  The effect was so little and short lived.  Didn't think there was much benefit.  

Summers without central air is probably the best argument I have for keeping really hardy fish.  I would not be surprised to see danios survive nuclear winter,:-O  They get my vote for the hardiest fish in the hobby.  God Bless danios!

Well, I no there's not much consolation for loosing a breeding pair of Kribs.  Just wanted to expess my sympathy.  I hate summer.  It's definatley hard on our fishies:(

PS:  Checked out yer tanks.  Cool!  You're goood veddy, veddy goood.


pdiddy...thanks for the compliments!

I think it was an O2 issue due to the tank being LIGHTLY planted in comparison to the upper 10g. There is an airstone on standby for those kribs just in case.

\the shellies are incredibly stressed also. but since I added aeration with an airstone the temps have have the water levels ;)  I'm NOT a fan of topping off....but HOLY POO Batman./.....hard to keep up these days.

FYI folks....I would rec extra aeration in warmer tanks, even with plants unless you are CO2 injecting. and even then when the lights are off I would aerate as the plants USE O2 in the dark. Not a good combo in warmer water.

pdid...good luck on the hydro bill.....I know what that's like :(


Atlantic Fish

luvfishies, ever thought about using a chiller?  That should stop your tank from boiling over... Just a thought.  Eventhough you dont need it year round it might been an invesment for the heatwaves..

Oct 22, 2002
I turned off the heater in my krib tank and the male and the female kribs are currently at 78 degrees..but still no 3rd spawning yet....*grits teeth*..whew! does breeding fish ever take patience..everything is perfect, I just need to add some wine and play a romantic movie or something... ;D

Oct 22, 2002
Hey noname, maybe you should try pornos.  That little "bomp bomp, shwang shwang" music might be just the thing, not that we'd know anything about that  ::)

Anyhoo, we're more glad than ever that we have central air this year, since getting into fish stuff...has been a true Godsend.  BUT!!!...when it breaks, mucho problems.  Ice baths and fans galore until fixed...what a nightmare.

Hope things work out for you luvfishies.  We're sure you'll bounce back and get even more of those lovelies.

BTW, pdid...if your bill went up as much as ours, we hope you have clean underwear nearby  :eek:

Atlantic..I'd love to chill the tanks....unfortunately 14 tanks in 4 rooms arent conducive to "a" chiller.

The neighbour is gonna help me install a window shaker A/C unit though....seems like a window that I thought was  a "no way" could actually work.....

No more fishy deaths since aeration and keeping the tanklid open....

Troy-n-Eli..thanks for the kind words.....I hope to find a male as nice as the one I lost....GOOD male kribs are hard to find, as are albinos.....which was the spare female.....poor babies :(

Oct 22, 2002
Gee, too bad you don't live nearby.  When we were looking for our pair, we came across a store about 40 miles away that didn't have regular Kribs but had "scads of albinos."  Not sure of the story there, but they're definitely around in our neighborhood.