Kribs (Kribensis Cichlid)

I have four tropical fish tanks. We currently made added a Krib to our 30 gallon tank. In it we have 3 Giant Danios, 2 Dwarf Gouramis, 2 Siamese Algea Eaters, 1 Blue Mystery Snail, & 1 Gold Mystery Snail. Then of course now the Krib we added.

My question is, does that Krib need another of its own kind to be happy? The pet shop said it doesn't, but some articles online says it does. I have called ALL the pet stores and fish stores in my area and they are all out of Kribs, and said they often are.

Why are they SO popular and in demand? Also, will my Krib be happy without another Krib?

Thanks in advance!


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
if you decide to get another...make sure its of diff sex or their will be territorial disputes..i dont think it needs another krib..
one way to tell the sexes apart is that the female has a pink belly ...when i pick my sexes out i get them once they have already formed a pair

i think they are so popular bc they are a beautiful cichlid, can be in a community aquarium...are less aggressive than the african cichlids, wont eat your plants, and are easy to take care of...not to mention very colorful

i think one downside is that one pair is all you can have...maybe two if there are enough hiding places and caves..but thats about cant have them in groups