As I've made it (annoyingly) obvious, I'm in the midst of planning a tank to be set up later this summer.
My original stocking plan (see signature for details) was focused around two pairs of German Blue Rams. Given the difficulty that often accompanies finding good stocks of and caring for the Rams, I've also considered a variety of back-up plans, including Bolivian Rams, Keyhole Cichlids, and various Apistos.
But I hadn't considererd Kribs - until today.
I know Kribs are far from your typical African cichlid on a variety of fronts (in my initial research, I've found they're tolerable of a comparable range of water conditions, fairly hardy, and good tank mates), but do you think they'd fit in well given the stocking plan in my signature, minus the Rams? Or am I asking for trouble?
I haven't completely decided to go the krib route, and I'm going to give myself the opportunity to find some Rams first - but I'm curious about kribs as a contingency plan.
Thanks for the help
My original stocking plan (see signature for details) was focused around two pairs of German Blue Rams. Given the difficulty that often accompanies finding good stocks of and caring for the Rams, I've also considered a variety of back-up plans, including Bolivian Rams, Keyhole Cichlids, and various Apistos.
But I hadn't considererd Kribs - until today.
I know Kribs are far from your typical African cichlid on a variety of fronts (in my initial research, I've found they're tolerable of a comparable range of water conditions, fairly hardy, and good tank mates), but do you think they'd fit in well given the stocking plan in my signature, minus the Rams? Or am I asking for trouble?
I haven't completely decided to go the krib route, and I'm going to give myself the opportunity to find some Rams first - but I'm curious about kribs as a contingency plan.
Thanks for the help
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