Bolivian rams are not the same as Blue or German Rams. They come from waters that have a much higher ph and are much more adaptable to water parameters, compared to their cousin rams. I would go for the rams. Preferrably speaking, I have two, and they are so great to watch. They aren't really all that aggressive towards one another. I would defintely try and get 1 male and 1 female. They are also not difficult to breed, not as easy as kribs, but they can be bred. 20 gallon tank would be perfect for a couple rams and some tetras. I think the black widows would look great with them. I would definitely have some plants, rock and driftwood to give them cover and hiding places. If you do this they will most certainly be front and center. I love mine and reccomend them to all how are looking at owning dwarf cichlids. They are lots and lots of fun!! They look like inquisitive children when they move around the tank.