As promised BigV, here are the pictures of my new Kribs
Didnt want to hack your thread BigV, so I made my own!!
BTW - They are in the 33gal TEMP until I get these darn mbuna fry out of the 10gal, they might go in the 20gal, IDK yet...
Looks good, Katie!
If it were me, I'd wait a week or two and then move the mbuna fry to the 20 gal. tank, and put the kribs in the 10 gal. tank once it becomes apparent that they're getting along okay in the tank you have them in now.
Thanks BigV,
Thats probably what i'll end up doing. They seem to be doing good in the 33 right now, not really swimming together, but when they pass eachother they flare their fins then continue doing whatever they were doing.
They are really cute! I like them alot actually