I am an experienced aquarist of many years, with several fish well over 5 years old. I recently acquired several kuhli loaches from a highly reputable (independent) shop which pre-quarantines its fish. One by one, three of the five kuhlis have died over the past 8 weeks. They begin by looking whitish in patches between the vertical stripes. Gills look rather red. Fish becomes lethargic and dies within several days of onset of symptoms. I have looked carefully at the skin of the deceased under a 15x hand lens and see absolutely no trace of any external parasite or fungus. However, the dorsal (belly) side looks red and I see some possibility of raised bumps on the underside. I would like to know if this may be internal parasites, or is it another disease, and if so what do I do for the two remaining kuhlis.
Tank is 20 gal, many plants in clay soil covered with pea gravel. Water is soft (comes mostly from mountain snow melt), treated with AmQuel or StressCoat to neutralize chloramine. Changes about every 2 weeks. Water is clear and I have minimal algae despite tank lights. I add FloraPride (potassium and iron supplement for plants) with water changes. No other additives.
Other fish are tetras (black skirt, red eye), mountain minnows, and Siamese algae eaters, all healthy. SAEs are new (bought with kuhlis) but others are years old.
Food is TetraMin flakes and Wardley shrimp pellets. NO live food (never again, after I had a tank disaster caused by live tubifex).
I have found nothing on the web that seems to be related to this problem.
If you can provide any advice I will be most grateful. Thank you.
Tank is 20 gal, many plants in clay soil covered with pea gravel. Water is soft (comes mostly from mountain snow melt), treated with AmQuel or StressCoat to neutralize chloramine. Changes about every 2 weeks. Water is clear and I have minimal algae despite tank lights. I add FloraPride (potassium and iron supplement for plants) with water changes. No other additives.
Other fish are tetras (black skirt, red eye), mountain minnows, and Siamese algae eaters, all healthy. SAEs are new (bought with kuhlis) but others are years old.
Food is TetraMin flakes and Wardley shrimp pellets. NO live food (never again, after I had a tank disaster caused by live tubifex).
I have found nothing on the web that seems to be related to this problem.
If you can provide any advice I will be most grateful. Thank you.