Kuhli loach substrate choices


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Been a while since I've been by, but now that I am moved in on campus it's time to re-do my 6 gallon eclipse. yay :D

I know that the Kuhli loach often likes to burrow into the substrate, and I realize sand would be best for this. I'm curious if Onyx Sand or even Eco-complete would also work out for these wonderful little critters. Flourite is out, way too jagged. I haven't seen closeups of the onyx sand nor eco-complete, so I cannot be sure. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I plan on housing a betta, and if I can kuhli loaches along with shrimp and go from there in a heavily planted darker set desktop aquarium.

Thanks in advance :D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well, things have changed a bit.

Cleaned out the 6 gallon today, found a bunch of stress cracks near the base of it, so I guess I am in the market for a new aquarium itself :D

Depending on what will fit in my space, 10, 15 or 20 Long, or what I would prefer the most is the Nano-cube sold over at Aqua Botanic.

Time to give it some thought, I wanted a new aquarium anyways ;)

If anyone has kept these guys, and has info on the substrate they used, it would stil be greatly appreciated, thanks :D